Thanks alot for the response.
Just reading about how you managed to meet girls in normal bars/clubs as well as during the day at least gives me confidence by letting me know its possible. I'd kinda put it in the too hard basket and only really tried safer events like international parties where it's a pretty good bet any girls there are into foreign guys. For some reason though I find myself preferring ones that aren't really into English that much...I'm kinda going for the cute, innocent type that probably doesnt really go to clubs.
Right, thanks for the tips, after years of not much going on I figured I've gotta try and step it up instead of standing at a bar by myself hoping they'll come to me for some reason. Will try and get a wing or 2 perhaps as I feel a bit devalued going in by myself.
So people usually aren't too freaked out if you start talking to them out on the street or in a train? Would you recommend somewhere like Roppongi perhaps where they at least have it in their mind that they might be approached by a foreigner? And do you just chat about random stuff or try to get into a story or esp type routine or something?
Thanks again, if you do put that book out better print 101 coz I'd probably be interested too :)
I think what I really need is for you to attach a hidden camera so I can see exactly what you do and say though hehe
>> Just reading about how you managed to meet girls in normal bars/clubs as well as during the day at least gives me confidence by letting me know its possible
Yes, it is possible. But don't buy into the PUA mottos that might say, "The only reason you can't is because it's outside your reality," because in reality, you have to have several prerequisites before you can get hot girls. 1) You have to be in shape not fat, 2) you have to wear halfway decent clothes, 3) you have to speak good Japanese (a biggie), 4) and you have to be outgoing and willing to talk a lot to fill the silences because they often don't know what to say back to you. I have 3.5 of these (I'm not too fashionable). I'm not naturally a talker but I taught myself to be. And of course I had to learn Japanese and have never been overweight.
Regarding the milker parties, I think it's a good place to start. If I didn't go to those on occasion there would have been times when I went a long stretch without any action. These easy club girls or milkers will teach you a lot about girls. After you've met the above requirements you can conquer more. But still, even if you have all that you could hunt for 4 hours twice a week and after a month still come up empty handed. During this time you'll be glad the milker parties are there to save you!
>> So people usually aren't too freaked out if you start talking to them out on the street or in a train?
In my case, especially near the end of my stay in Japan, I had already been with 100s of girls and had a couple GFs. I was getting my future plans straightened out and was always listening to audiobooks about business (not related to girls in anyway except for the fact that I want to have money coming in while I travel the world meeting women!). So, when there was a girl I would generally ignore her; unless if she was a 9, that is, and then I'd go no matter where she was because that's what I wanted and they are so rare! The train is impossible if people can hear what you're talking about. In fact, anywhere where people are looking is impossible because the girl will be embarrassed and this negative feeling of embarrassment is stronger than the positive feeling of having a date with a nice foreign guy. Say for example a fat Oprah Winfrey is attractive to you and she comes to hit on you. You want her but know your friends are like 'Dude, WTF?' But if you were all alone you'd get her number. Well, picture yourself as the fat Oprah Winfrey.
>> Thanks again, if you do put that book out better print 101 coz I'd probably be interested too :)
Thanks. Someday I'll release that.
>> I think what I really need is for you to attach a hidden camera so I can see exactly what you do and say though hehe
It'd have to be hidden from me too or else I'd be shy and fail! It's the same as at work. I'm a pretty good salesman and I sell the product, accessories, and extended warranty (good practice for getting girls, actually, and vice versa). But, when the new guys are watching trying to learn I'm horrible! If there are a couple guys there with me talking to the girls I'm fine though. IF there are weirdos gawking behind me then I can't!
nubreed, im interested in what you said about doing game on trains. recently, ive moved to osaka and ive tried chatting girls up on the trains, more for practice than getting nos per say. but ur saying theres not much hope of getting anything in this situation cos of a fear of others around.
if that is the case, where would u recommend i go for 'day game' ala meeting girls during the day in japan? or would u say bars are still ur best bet?
Is there a specific reason you need to do it in the day time? You have a better chance of meeting "day people" in the day time and night people at night, obviously. There are differences, but several "night people" go out in the day and vice versa. At night the streets are hard because many of the girls are going to their hostess jobs where men hit on them all night so they're likely going to have their guard up and not talk to you. You can get a certain percentage of them, though; a higher percentage if you're good.
In the day time, or any time, many girls will be ashamed or embarrassed to be picked up by a foreigner. If it's on the train and you're being loud and everyone is looking at you, and this depends on the girl, but unless if she's the loud type herself she might be nervous. If she's sitting next to you and you have a quiet conversation why there are high school kids 10 feet away being really loud you should have a much easier time at it because no one is looking at you or wondering what you're doing. That said, try out certain situations and see what works best for you. Personally, if the girl feels nervous so do I. If she's fine I'm fine. Let us know your results!
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