How to Schedule Fussy Girls
by NuBreed
I usually only give advice on the basics. It’s not flashy, so I don’t know if anyone thinks it’s useful. Is my advice too plain and boring? Maybe. But it’s worked for me. I truthfully think the basics, common sense, and experience are much more useful than anything considered “high level” by me, friends, or anything in a PUA book. But I’ve had this dialog with myself: 'Nobody cares about my little tricks that will only be useful once in a great while. They stem from my experience in certain situations. They are different from the little tricks taught by masters to inexperienced guys who may not even understand pickup basics. Since my tricks, stats, and experience are different from a what a guru might advise, I think guys tend to dismiss them.'
I no longer listen to what someone less experienced tells me what I shouldn’t do if it’s already been proven to work for me. I will value gestures and consider advice, but not in an area I’m successful. And the things that I hear that do work, if I’ve already tried them, I will dismiss them unless if it’s a new solution to something I failed at before. Many people actually dismiss any new idea upon hearing it, not just PUA tactics. However, when I have time to think alone, my original guards of keeping everyone out of my head are brought down and I ponder the idea. Only then do I choose to discard it or test it (the last time I tested a new idea of “insta-”s it resulted in 6 insta-makeouts in 5 weeks, half leading to [insta-]sex. Thanks AJ). This time I’m not going to hold back and will share the thoughts I had during mail conversation with a stubborn 18 yo. A Japanese friend and I picked her and her friend up at a matsuri. It’s not a template per se, but indicative of how, if you say the right things, you can turn a probable flake into a date. Also remember, I learned everything through trial and error of picking up J-girls, so what I think might be different than what you’re used to hearing. Anyway, here’s one way to use email (text) to schedule a fussy girl:
She (9/1 12:13) NuBreedごめん!携帯止まっとった!祭のしょうこやけど覚えてる?
I’d picked her up a few days before but she didn’t write back and apparently didn’t get the mail or two I sent during that time. I was surprised to get this mail as I thought she had already flaked, which would be expected by the way I picked her up: in a mall; l after talking for 10 minutes; just before the fireworks started; with a can of beer in my hand.
Me (9/2 15:56): Wow! 生きてるんや!笑 うん、覚えてんで~ 携帯直ってよかったね。今日その辺で遊んでんの?
This mail shows her that I remember her, am in good spirits, have time to write back now (by the question), and am capable of small talk in Japanese. I also wanted to know what she was doing at the moment. You’ll see why later.
She (9/2 15:59): 今日は友達とご飯食べに行ってる! てか車持ってるんでしたっけ?
Notice how I have the sets of mails in this post grouped into time periods and she’s the last one to mail during each long break in time. I’m the one who cuts off the conversation by just not replying. It isn’t a necessary method, but being unpredictable has proven to be successful. You can’t make them wait too long, though. And since I didn’t count on this girl writing back in the first place, I didn’t mind going for all or nothing Note that she hopes I have a car, or she wouldn’t have asked the question.
Me (9/2 18:16): 車持ってるけどあまり使ってない。ただ友達とご飯してるの?俺またしょうこと遊びたい!いつ行けるの?
I made her wait, but not all that long (2 hours). I address the car issue immediately, as no matter what happens, I will not be picking her up in a car as I don’t have one. But, I want to be grouped with the guys who do, so I fib to maintain that value to her. I make no promise about the car, but in her head, she hopes that someday she will be riding in my car. It’s her fantasy, not mine. And my fib was for the purpose of not destroying that fantasy. There actually is a car at work, but it’s not mine. If you lie, base it on something, so that you can back it up if you ever have to. I then pull a double question, one of which she’ll likely answer. I was interested if she was with her friend because I wanted to schedule her right then and there, but I can’t say it or I’d be needy. I also tell her I want to see her badly, and ask when she’s free. The interest and date invite show her I’m interested; and part of my weed-out process - if she’s going to flake, it might as well be sooner than later. I go all-or-nothing often, because my phone is full of girls and I really don’t care that much about any of them as there will be new, hotter ones each time I go out to look for them. No reason to play girls’ games anymore.
She (9/2 18:19): じゃあ今度心斎橋連れってって
She indicates she’ll see me.
Me (9/2 18:20): いいよ!☆ 土曜わ?
No nonsense response and a quick discussion of when. I was actually busy Saturday, but if I would have gotten her I would have canceled the other plans at the last minute, because that’s totally appropriate when dating in Japan.
She (9/2 18:21): いいでっ!前会った4人で行こ?
This comment suggesting a Level 2 date just DRASTICALLY reduced the chances we’ll ever meet.
Me (9/2 18:28): Ok! (^_^) でも最初の時二人だけのデートしよう?
I agree with the “ok,” making her feel she has control. However, I completely ignore my “ok” and counter with another all or nothing power word: “date.”
She (9/2 18:31): 慣れるまでゎ4人がいいかも
The beginnings of what is over 90% likely to lead to a “refusal to date alone” - something most guys can’t understand. To get the meaning, think of the word “refuse” as a definite, solid no. At this first sign of refusal, I am totally loose, as I feel I no longer have her where I want her and anything I try will go down hill from here. I would have given up, but it only takes a minute to shoot off a mail, so why not? I made her wait for the time being, though.
Me (9/2 23:54): 二人で遊びたくないのは、信用してないってこと?
Trust. Prejudice. These are just a few words that make Japanese people change their attitude and console their conversation partner and save face for everyone involved. Use these “power words” carefully.
She (9/2 23:56): そーゆうンちゃうけど 4人とかの方が楽しいし。。
Another refusal. My patience wore thin and I didn’t care anymore at all, so I let the BS fly:
Me (9/3 00:02): 俺しょうこと喋ってすごい楽しかったよ。四人遊びたいけどそれはしょうこのことを知ってから。最初の時、四人で遊ぶことしたらな、今までその子といつも最後になるからイヤ~ (-_-)しょうこに一回だけ会いたくないから (;_;)
Told her I liked her company. Told her I don’t like to meet girls just once. I grouped her with all girls who refuse a Level 1 date the first time, but strive for a 4-person Level 2 date and don’t want to meet up again. Japanese are the world’s biggest stereotypers, but they hate being stereotyped themselves.
She (9/3 00:03): そんなん 大丈夫って そーゆう子ばっかじゃないし
This is a lie; she is that kind of girl and they all fit the stereotype even if they don’t know it. If she’s too scared or nervous for a Level 1, one on one date the first time and would rather never see you again than to meet me alone, chances are high they will never go on a Level 1.
Me (9/3 0:34): そういう子って?
This is a stupid line I learned from girls. Give them a taste of their medicine, even though she hasn’t used that medicine yet, I know she does, because she’s a Japanese girl, and the type I get are often the same. Everything a lot of these girls do is subconscious inbred behavior learned from elementary school age.
She (9/3 00:37): さっきゆてたようなん
She gives me the medicine right back, proving my assumption that she’s no different.
Me (9/3 00:54): だから四人で会ったら今度普通に二人で遊ぶってこと? (^_^)
I was just curious if she’d say yes or not. My friend might actually have wanted to go with all 4 of us on a Level 2, so I was just trying to get a promise out of her. If I get that, either I get my Level 1 date after, or else laugh because I predicted she’d break her promise after we meet for a Level 2.
She (9/3 16:54): 昨日寝てた だから4人で遊ぼ?
She sleeps so there’s an unintentional time break here. She still persists though, so I ignore.
Me (9/4 13:07): うん!また今度ね!(^o^)/
A one-day gap and one line. This is hostess or busy, popular girl style mail. It often means “Sure, whatever you say.” This girl is not a hostess, so mailing like this puts me in a position of power. I just fed her more J-girl medicine. Not caring gives you the most power. That’s some important advice right there. I learned that from a 45 year old ex-player. Reading the content of what I said, you can see that it’s now like she’s the one asking me out and I’m rejecting her! See how it’s turned around? Who’s perusing who? I should have laid off and done this a mail or two earlier, actually. I actually messed it up, if I were going that route, but, she didn’t notice—and I didn’t care.
She (9/4 22:52): 今度ってえ?
Me not answering this question shows almost as much as me telling her “kondo.” “Kondo” means absolutely nothing. It replaces no sometimes, but means “next time” sometimes. Instead of asking me what I meant by using “kondo,” she has to be hard-headed and give me J-girl medicine and ask a question without actually asking a question. It’s built into her to make people ask her more questions. No Japanese guy friend will be this vague with you, unless if he’s looking for power. Girls look for power subconsciously, and are satisfied when you pursue answers from them. However, they subconsciously respect you less for doing it. So, I beat her by not replying when she was awaiting a reply. I didn’t care, so that gave me the fuel to resist the urge to contact her. She also may have felt she drove me away. 24 hours later she mails again.
She (9/5 23:18): やっぱ遊びに行くン 2人でいーよ!
Really? Is this a trick? I thought so at first. I was going to mail something saying, “maybe we can meet 4 people after all,” and make her happy. After she’s happy I would tell her, “you know, you’re right, 2 people is best.” That way, it would be more of her suggestion and not mine, and she’d be more obligated to say yes. But instead, I choose the route of silence for a day, which is never a bad choice, and often what you should do when unsure.
Me (9/6 19:13): うん、いいよ! (^_^) いつ空いてるの?日曜?
Again, a no BS response and a quick discussion of when.
She (9/6 22:11): 日曜って今週?
Another unconscious stupid question on her part as the sixth was a Thursday. Her punishment for being J-girl was another day of waiting for my mail.
Me (9/7 22:41): 返事遅くてすいません! (-_-) 日曜ね、うん!今週末でいいよ!月曜も休みになった!いつがいい?門限何時?22時ぐらい?
”I’m sorry for mailing late,” in English, might be translated as “hi.” I wanted to use the meaningless greeting here. Then, I informed her without being a dick that in any language, on a Thursday, “Let’s meet Sun” means “this Sun.” She was probably thinking I meant “any given Sunday.” I fact, maybe I messed up the Jap here. I’ll have to ask a friend about that. In either case, though, it’s always best to be specific with Japanese people. Although their language doesn’t use subjects much, they really get confused by this, even when talking to each other (Ex: Did you eat yet?....what, a meal?....yeah, a meal….me?....yeah, you…yeah, why?....because I’m hungry…..sorry, I already ate).
I gave her two days here because I want to meet her fast as I don’t know how long she’s going stick to wanting to meet for a Level 1. I also wanted to find out what time she has to go home by, and I suggested later that I thought she was willing to stay out, kind of like discounting in a store. For example, if I would have asked her “You gotta be home by what, 8?” then she’d probably have to be home by 7. Therefore, I said 10 expecting her to say 9 .
Finally, I just assumed that by her saying “Sunday?” the day before, that she meant she could see me that weekend. Assuming answers, being decisive, and taking control are all musts for efficiently getting girls.
She (9/7 22:57): 用事あるから5時くらい
So, she’s busy Sunday nights with something (she told me what it was but I didn’t include it here). She also successfully ignored my curfew question. Girls often will only answer one of a few questions.
Me (9/7 22:59): 早いな!だから日曜お昼から遊んだらいいの?
Wanted to make sure I have ample time to nail her. If I were to meet her at twelve and she had to leave by five I could probably pull it off.
She (9/7 22:59): うん 日曜って16やんな?
Don’t ask. But I rolled with it.
Me (9/7 23:02): 今週まだわからないから来週のほうがいいかも!(you)いつがいいの?
I semi-ruled out this Sunday by saying I don’t know yet. That way, I could change it later, if I have to. But she will likely view me as a guy having other things to do that wait for her. We both agree on the 16th. I didn’t mention “16th," though, just in case if later for some reason I have to pretend to have misunderstood. I planted an evil seed to lie or flake. I learned that from J-girls.
She (9/7 23:04) うん! 今週は無理。 16ね! (^_^)/
Agreed. Now to just mail a few times and wait for the 16th!
So that's one way to get a fussy girl. Some parts might have been risky if I actually cared. For the record, most girls this fussy or begging for Level 2s don't end up agreeing to Level 1s. This one did. If you do it enough you create your own luck, right? She didn't all out refuse, though, so that's what helped me.
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