For years I studied how to get the world's hottest girls. I wanted to get a new smoking one twice a month (in addition to other girls). My search for a mentor ended upon realizing that the authority on these tan blond goddesses (often called gyaru, examples: pic 1, pic 2, pic 3) was yours truly. I was in Japan, and while regular girls for any white guy are fairly simple, the hottest ones, like in the photos above and below, are nearly impossible for a white foreigner to get. But I studied, learned the language, assimilated, and succeeded.

While studying these sexy, hard-to-get girls, I mastered the thoughts of girls in general, regardless of country or background. Since the tan blond gyarus are so rare, I often dated non-tan blond gyaru Japanese girls, Australians, Brazilians, Americans, and ultimately, girls from over 20 different countries. I conquered all far as girls are concerned. I met all of my goals except for being able to consistently get two tan blond gyarus per month. So since I felt I wasn't able to improve further I left and came back to the states to pursue my financial goals. The next step would have been to turn around and teach others what took me nearly a decade to learn. I didn't do that--no money in it--but I do offer this free site which I enjoy writing.

This site is dedicated to teaching the skills necessary for an average guy to pickup the hottest girls around. Some of it's Japan related, some of it works anywhere. Some topics are quite advanced. All topics, methods, statistics, and advice posted here are based on the true Japan nampa experiences of NuBreed. Pickup material such as this nonexistent other than the occasional forum or blog.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hot Girls Who Are Ugly By Comparison

Here's a simple technique that can get you not the hottest girls, but girls much hotter than the normal foreigner gets in Japan. In fact, these girls will only look hot AFTER you've seen them a second time. You'll see why later. If you're not going for the most popular, hard-to-get A-class girls then you can skip this one. If you're stubborn and think you deserve to date out of your league, then this is for you!

First, a note on hotness. Foreigners in Japan usually get girls who are average or even below average. A 5 is average, and foreigners, most of the time, date within the 3 to 6 range. But, you must know that most foreigners rate these girls 8s or 9s, because, as they say, "she's cute to me." NuBreed Nampa doesn't care what you think or what we think, we care what everyone thinks, thus we care what the Japanese guys who hit on them think, because that determines a girl's popularity and her need to settle for a guy less than her ideal. And since the average girls are largely ignored by desirable Japanese guys, they are--quite obviously--average 5s.

Anyone who knows anything knows that you can't simply walk up to any 8 (which is extremely hot, BTW) expecting to get her. You'd have to try quite a few just to get a phone number. But something I've noticed, is that in the presence of 8-9s, A-class 6-7s appear average, and no guys hit on them! You yourself may not even notice them. It took me years to realize this! In fact, many of these 6-7s may be actually waiting to be hit on!

Trance Dance Club

I used to go to this club in Osaka called Joule (useless homepage here) where all the tan-blond gyarus (examples: 1, 2, 3) and other beautiful girls go to dance to trance music. I was completely ineffective on the dancefloor because I'm not Japanese, I'm not a gyaru guy, it's loud, girls are interested in the DJ and not the guys around them, etc. Plus it's so loud in there that I can't even talk to my friends, which requires much less effort than talking to new girl I want to sleep with. In short, I say it's impossible for a white foreigner to pick up the 8-9s on that loud, smoky dance floor. I gave up trying.*

Besides the hot 8s and 9s on the dance floor with their friends, there are still plenty of 6-7s to be had. In this club, they are the lower class (besides foreigners, of course!). These girls are still cute and may even been the same age as some of the 8-9s. Some may actually be more physically beautiful too, it's just that they aren't dressing as glamorously. And they just might be waiting for some guys to talk to them! All the guys are focused on the 8-9s on the dance floor, so these 6-7s could be lonely! I got myself a few nice girls this way.

The Beach

I wasn't planning on mentioning the beach here, but writing the above I was reminded that the beach is the exact same situation! On the beach (or in any club for that matter**) I would always find the hottest girl and work my way down. I'd either lose on her, note that she's with a BF, or note that she's in a crowd and keep my eye on her. On any given day on the beach there could be as many as 50 girls 7.5 or higher! That's the highest concentration ever! I would work my (non) magic and talk to them. After a couple hours I would be dead tired and disheartened that I only got the numbers of a couple out of the 30-40 girls I talked to. They might have been 8s, but the chances of a beach 8 replying is close to zero (want to ask me how I know that?).

A couple times I picked up a 6.5 or 7 on the beach, enjoyed her company, had sex, etc. Off the top of my head I can remember three that actually came up to me because guys weren't talking to them! I closed the deal on all of them. But, what really made me understand what was going on were two girls in particular. I was in Japan 3-4 years at this point so it was nothing I realized quickly. I hit on a girl, but ended up getting her friend's number and nailing her. At the time I wasn't interested in that 7 on a beach full of 8-9s! But, looking at her pics while not on the beach, she was cute!

And finally, another one was when I hit on a blond. She was friendly, but passed me to her friend because "she like gaijin." I dated that friend for several months and I don't think anyone would deny that she was cute. I've showed her picture around more than usual because she was actually my GF for a time and both Japanese and foreign guys liked her a lot. She was very important to me for the better part of a year. And to think that I almost didn't get her because I was stupid and let my eyes be distracted by by blond hair and suntans. She wasn't an 8, but she was a 7, and I was very happy with that.

* * *

So anyway, that's just something I learned. If you're not going for the hottest girls anyway then this post isn't for you. Maybe you're not as stubborn as me and think you deserve the most popular girls in the first place, so maybe this post should be a lesson to only to myself!?

* You're damn right I was waiting for them as they left the dance floor for the bar or the bathroom though! ;)
** And now at work, for that matter. Ha!


Unknown said...

I like the thin waist, curvy, big breasted, big face, and squinty eye look of most Japanese WOMEN.
These women are considered "unattractive" in Japan.

Japanese guys like the thin waist, not so curvy, not so big breasted, thin face, big eyed GIRLS.

Only thing we have in common, is the thin waist part of the Japanese female. Thin waist is hard to find in the English speaking countries!


Beauty is skin deep,
ugly goes to the bone!

My name is MISA. said...

Dead on, as usual.

My name is MISA. said...

If "Osaka" thinks a big face, small eyes and a curvy body is attractive, he has his pick of all the 2-3s in Japan, especially if he's foreign because those types often speak great English.

Anonymous said...


We would sarge GREAT together!

I will take the 35-24-35 Japanese women with the hour glass figure (and often speak English) whom you consider to be "2-3s" , and let you take the small breasted, slim hipped "hot 9s" (who only speak Japanese).

I do enjoy the "bon-kyu-bon" type of body.
(big-small-big) with the hour glass figure, ESPECIALLY if they follow Kazuya Kito's EGOIST style of fashion, which is designed to highlight the busty look!

Here is Kumi Koda, who became a champion of a "If you've got it, flaunt it" attitude.
same as above:

The one area of common interest we have, is the waist size.


Anonymous said...

"But something I've noticed, is that in the presence of 8-9s, A-class 6-7s appear average, and no guys hit on them! You yourself may not even notice them. It took me years to realize this! In fact, many of these 6-7s may be actually waiting to be hit on!"
Are you retarded? It took you years to notice there were cute girls NEXT TO the super-cute girls?

Admin said...

"Are you retarded? It took you years to notice there were cute girls NEXT TO the super-cute girls?"

Hahaha, yeah, too bad I didn't have someone to tell me that a few years ago, huh? Ah well. I guess I was just blinded by the beauty and am the type of person who wants the best I see so I could never shoot for a 7 in the presence of a 9. But in the gaijin international parties I'd be lucky to see a 7 even if I go to every party for a month!


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'08 beach action!

'08 beach action!
Sex on the beach and we're not talking cocktails! I really liked this girl. Hope to see her again!