For years I studied how to get the world's hottest girls. I wanted to get a new smoking one twice a month (in addition to other girls). My search for a mentor ended upon realizing that the authority on these tan blond goddesses (often called gyaru, examples: pic 1, pic 2, pic 3) was yours truly. I was in Japan, and while regular girls for any white guy are fairly simple, the hottest ones, like in the photos above and below, are nearly impossible for a white foreigner to get. But I studied, learned the language, assimilated, and succeeded.

While studying these sexy, hard-to-get girls, I mastered the thoughts of girls in general, regardless of country or background. Since the tan blond gyarus are so rare, I often dated non-tan blond gyaru Japanese girls, Australians, Brazilians, Americans, and ultimately, girls from over 20 different countries. I conquered all far as girls are concerned. I met all of my goals except for being able to consistently get two tan blond gyarus per month. So since I felt I wasn't able to improve further I left and came back to the states to pursue my financial goals. The next step would have been to turn around and teach others what took me nearly a decade to learn. I didn't do that--no money in it--but I do offer this free site which I enjoy writing.

This site is dedicated to teaching the skills necessary for an average guy to pickup the hottest girls around. Some of it's Japan related, some of it works anywhere. Some topics are quite advanced. All topics, methods, statistics, and advice posted here are based on the true Japan nampa experiences of NuBreed. Pickup material such as this nonexistent other than the occasional forum or blog.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

So I Bought a Girl a Drink

This is a report I wrote about six months ago. I was at the club with a Japanese friend and had an interesting night, so I wrote it down. I also posted it online as a "field report." Pretty good story! Here it is, mostly unedited:

Night at the Club
So I was at the club last week and Girl #1 who I was trying to take home knew everyone in the club and was going to another bar afterwards so wasn't willing to leave with me. We danced together and made out but then I let her go. She was really into me though because she kept coming to find me and didn't leave when her friends came to talk to her.

I got Girl #2 and talked to her for like a minute and she was like, "I'm thirsty." I was like, "Wonderful, Thirsty, go buy yourself an F-ing drink" and she was pouting but I kind of practiced changing the subject talking to girls and like a dog when you hide the treat behind your back she soon forgets what she was thinking about. After like 5-10 minutes, though, unlike a dog, she remembered she was thirsty and started asking for a drink again. I was no way going to buy her a drink, but then I was like, 'wait a minute, I found a stack of drink tickets that expire in 3 hours, might as well be a nice guy and get her something.' As soon as I said okay she latched on to me and was hugging me and holding my hand. After getting the drink we went to dance and she was keen to make out. Was it the fact I bought her the drink that made her like me, or the fact that she had a strong drink in her system....hmmmm

Anyway, I got caught by Girl #1 with Girl #2. Neither were happy. Not like I really cared, so I was like what the hell, I introduced them and changed the subject of the conversation. They talked, then we had another drink. The girls loved each other and I was like, out of the picture. Then Girl #1's friend came. We'll call her Girl #3. She was hotter and drunker than the other two. Girl #1 kissed her. I kissed #2. #1 kissed #2. I kissed #1. #3 kissed #2. Then I got to kiss #3. She was beautiful!! During this we had a couple shots each (all free as I just threw the tickets on the table) and they were talking about having a foursome. I was like OMG! Now, the kissing was nothing special, for real, no tactics, nothing. I mean like, if your grandpa would have been standing there they would have kissed him too. I did make sure no one else was in our corner but us 4, but then again who wouldn't do that! Of course I wanted all three to myself! Might as well get my fun now because...

Then Girl #3 (hot one I didn't know) was dragged off by one of the two orbiters who'd been around her all night. #1 went to be a lesbian or something with #2. I was alone! So, I took home girl #4 after knowing her for like 10 minutes. She was cute too, but had jeans and a T-shirt. I got home and found out she had a BF and she didn't want anything to do with having sex. 'Come all the way here after the club and no sex???' Okay, fine. I took her to the station. She mailed the next day saying she's going to study abroad next week and can't see me because of her BF. One less bitch I gotta worry about.

Then the mails with #1 and #2 continued. #2 didn't remember me or how she hit it off with #1. So I turned my focus to #1 who did remember everything. She really wanted #2's number and I wanted #3's number. I told her that I asked #2 if it was okay to give #1 the number to buy time to ask her to give me #3's number. I can't just give it to her because that's all the leverage I have to get #3! I guess I could go back to the club and find her, and have an IN because I know #1 and made friends with some of her guy friends, but we'll see. You see, #1 was pretty hot, #2 was decent, #3 wasn't dressed sexy, but she was really cute! If the girls would have been more similar in looks I would be playing bird in the hand theory, but that #3 was really good, so I'm gambling!

So, in this story there was no sex, no pickup techniques, nothing special on my part, no nothing. All I did was talk to two girls.

Buying Girls Drinks
Anyway, what I did want to discuss, is buying girls drinks. Since every girl has a probability to flake anyway, no way will I spend 700 yen just to have a chance to talk to her. Ever! But it was cool having the drink tickets to see that even though I bought her the drink, she said she doesn't remember me! It'd be like tossing 700 yen in the river just to try to see the bubbles. The pleasure of talking to her? C'mon, few girls are that hot!

And you see some of these Japanese guys, seconds upon meeting girls, what do they do? They reach into their pockets and pull out their wallet. You know what they're going for. I bet they pull out a 10,000 bill just to be manly even if they have a sufficient supply of 1000s to cover the drinks. You know they're going to be walking around uncomfortable all night with like thirteen small bills making their wallet bulge. Some are so nuts they'll argue with each other about who's going to pay for it! Japanese cultural gesture? Okay, I'll buy it. Showing you're the man because you paid for everyone and you are going to get the hottest girl? I don't think so! Lame.

Now I know that when those guys buy drinks and the girls are all happy and touching the guys it's just an act to show appreciation. I guess it's better than just taking the drink and running, eh? I don't know, I was just shocked at how quickly that girl's attitude changed from semi-interested pickupee to extremely interested horny GF type. All that for 700. I wish I could pay 700 after 10 minutes of last-minute resistance before sex instead, that'd be a better deal. I mean, it'd be a sense pride to break through all of her obstacles by yourself, sure, but when she's too tough you could just be like 'okay, fine, you win. Here, I give up, take this 700 yen and then take your clothes off please, ma'am.' That'd be a darn good rule.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I think you should never buy a girl a drink, but that if you buy a girl a drink within a few minutes of meeting her it's going to be a waste of money. A girl who lets you take her to another place, or kiss her or is your GF, a second date, an ex, a friend's friend, a guy friend, etc., sure, paying is fine. I have too much pride to pay for the privilege of talking to a hot girl.

Two More Drink Stories
I was at this bar and I wanted someone to walk to the locker near the station with me to get my bag. I don't know, I guess I was lonely and didn't want to walk alone. My friends were busy with girls and the couple other girls I hit on were busy. So, I took a girl whose friend was being hit on by my friend. Since she came with me I had no problem buying her a coffee before going back to the bar.

Then at the same bar, my friend was getting a girl's number so I moved in to occupy the lonely friend so she didn't cockblock the info exchange. Some decent-locking European girl came from behind making fun of me for picking up Japanese girls. I told her the truth about what I was doing and how the only hot girl in here that I liked had already left (there were other hot girls, but I just wanted to make her mad by showing that isn't cute). Then I proceeded to pick her up. After a while the following conversation came up.

European chick: "If you were planning to buy me a drink now would be a good time because I just ordered a Heineken and haven't paid yet."
NuBreed: (one of a million excuses)
EC: "Okay, fine" (and negative body language turning away from my cheap ass)
NB: "You know, I had this girl the other day and I bought her a drink. She wasn't very nice before that, but after I bought her a drink she was all over me! We were holding hands, making out, etc. It was great! I guess that's how it works in Japan."
EC: "I hate girls like that."
NB: "If I buy you a drink are you going to be all over me?"
EC: "No way!"
NB: "That's why I'm not buying you a drink!" HA!!!

UPDATE: banged #3 two weeks later! Report over!

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'08 beach action!

'08 beach action!
Sex on the beach and we're not talking cocktails! I really liked this girl. Hope to see her again!