For years I studied how to get the world's hottest girls. I wanted to get a new smoking one twice a month (in addition to other girls). My search for a mentor ended upon realizing that the authority on these tan blond goddesses (often called gyaru, examples: pic 1, pic 2, pic 3) was yours truly. I was in Japan, and while regular girls for any white guy are fairly simple, the hottest ones, like in the photos above and below, are nearly impossible for a white foreigner to get. But I studied, learned the language, assimilated, and succeeded.

While studying these sexy, hard-to-get girls, I mastered the thoughts of girls in general, regardless of country or background. Since the tan blond gyarus are so rare, I often dated non-tan blond gyaru Japanese girls, Australians, Brazilians, Americans, and ultimately, girls from over 20 different countries. I conquered all far as girls are concerned. I met all of my goals except for being able to consistently get two tan blond gyarus per month. So since I felt I wasn't able to improve further I left and came back to the states to pursue my financial goals. The next step would have been to turn around and teach others what took me nearly a decade to learn. I didn't do that--no money in it--but I do offer this free site which I enjoy writing.

This site is dedicated to teaching the skills necessary for an average guy to pickup the hottest girls around. Some of it's Japan related, some of it works anywhere. Some topics are quite advanced. All topics, methods, statistics, and advice posted here are based on the true Japan nampa experiences of NuBreed. Pickup material such as this nonexistent other than the occasional forum or blog.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Can We Get 20 yo Girls at Age 35-40?

Recently I've been involved in the personal dilemma about whether I should pursue my career in the US or stay in Japan and meet more new girls. I'd come back to Japan, but I'd be older than I am now. I've been thinking a lot about how age will effect girls' perception of me. Will I be able to get as many and as hot of girls when I'm 35 or 40? When I was early/mid-20s I figured I needed to be in Japan before I was too old to get young girls. Five years later I'm not only able to get younger, hotter girls, but they are easier to get! I don't work as hard, either. I just got used to talking to them, I guess. But there has to be a limit to where experience can overcome the negative effects of aging.

The chart is by no means perfect and will be different for every guy, but you can see where there will/might be a peak. That peak, for me anyway, is going to be somewhere after 30 because I'm still improving and gaining experience. However, let's say my experience has and always been where it is now, then would I be better at 25, 35, or even 45? I may never know.

Here's something we can all do: ask girls we know about what age guys they would go for and post your comments below. I asked a girl the other day if, in the right situation, she would just go to dinner alone with (a picture of a 60 year old golf-clothes model on the sign). She said yes if she didn't have a BF. He was good-looking for 60. She's 19. In my experience if you can get them to go with you on a Level 1, one on one date, then you can usually get them in the sack. Could the 60 year old guy nail her? She's pretty cute. I don't know. Maybe when I'm that age I won't be interested in 20 year old Japanese girls, but it's kind of fun to think about! When I'm 40 I think I can get 20s, even the hottest ones that I like now. I don't think it will be as regularly or easily as now, though, but I'll take em!

I'll get back to you in 10 years on this one :)

UPDATE: I found this online. A friend showed it to me after reading this article. If you're 35-40 and are worried about get 20 year old's, he suggested that you study this article and recite it to yourself when you're picking up a 20 year old Hott. Older men, enjoy!:

Younger women often enjoy the company of older man for a variety of reasons. A very common reason that many women turn to older men is that these men are more mature than the men their own age. Women mature faster than men and therefore want to be with a man who is closer to them in maturity level. Women do not want to date a man who would rather play computer games then spend time with her. This is not a problem with an older man.

Some women, and in particular those who have an absent father, look to an older man as a type of father figure or mentor. This is often a mutually beneficial arrangement for both parties involved. A woman will receive guidance and gain more life experience from being with an older man while the older man gets to feel that he is powerful and is looked up to by the woman.

Men who are mature also tend to be worldlier and more self-confident as they know themselves better, which is something that attracts younger women. Older men are more experienced sexually but tend to have less of a sex drive but many women find that the lovemaking with an older man is completely fulfilling to them, as older men are better at listening to the needs of a younger woman than a man their own age tends to be. Not being as drive by testosterone often makes older men better in bed than younger men, according to some women. Older men often view pleasure in a different light than younger men and are more concerned with the woman’s pleasure as opposed to their own. This makes them very appealing to younger women.

Older men tend to be more steadfast and stable and are generally more established and settled in their chosen careers than are younger men. The security that comes from being financially viable and well established is traits that tend to draw younger women to older men in droves. An older man is no longer in college or struggling away at a low paying job but is secure and generally doing well at his profession.
Women like the chivalry that older men often show and they like the fact that older men tend to have more respect for them and they are polite and have manners. Women like men who know how to be men. In today’s society many young people are delaying growing. Most women want to be with men who are responsible and can stand on their own two feet and are able to support themselves and take care of themselves without their mother’s help. Most women do not want a man who is supported his parents. That is why many younger women seek out the company of an older man.



Unknown said...

Hi NuBreed. How are you? Stumbled across your blog, by googling JLair names for fun. We met at Genki's bootcamp in Jan 09 in Yurakucho. I was the older guy, hitting sixty in less than two years. To answer your question, yes it is harder for a guy my age to go for 30-somethings (my preferred targets), let alone 20-somethings. Not that I'm not trying. Genki and the other gurus have a tendency to say limitations are between the ears (yeah, I know. Shy, tongue-tied and absence of a very thick skin to rejection are some of my major issues). The reality is that J-girls make disqualifying judgement calls based on a guy is old enough to be their father. I know I can get a lot of late 40-somethngs and up. However, they do not, as a rule, turn me on, whether on looks, energy level or in conversation. So, I am stuck in the dilemma of going for a target market where the reciprocity playing field isn't equal. Not complaining here - just saying it as I perceive it to be (I can say this without being flamed for having self-imposed limitations, right?). Life is good otherwise. But sarging 20-30 somethings - can't say I have achieved it as a lifelong skill. Still trying to get a handle on this one. Anyway, thanks for your post, howbeit a bit ancient by now. Good luck on your new endevours.

Admin said...

Hey, Rocky, thanks for the comment. Age 60 getting 20 year olds does seem a bit far fetched and when I'm 60 I'm not even sure I'll be interested in 20 yo girls anymore, but for now I guess we'll just have to take your word for it! I think what matters is having the confidence that you can do it. This article was more along the lines of getting the young girls when you're 40. 60? Hmmm, haven't thought too deeply about that one yet! Keep pluggin' and let us know how it goes!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I found this site today and I'm amazed Because I LOVE japanese women and want to learn to get more success with them ;)
I'm soon 45 and can say that I approach in frankfurt japanese women what 100 times harder is than in Japan and can say: It's possible to attract 18year onces ;)) Ok, Sex I hadn't but laughing with them, flirting etc. doesn't matter because japanese women respect the age and look up to you ;) I think sex would be possible if you can break the shyness. Surely, with emancipated japanese women could be a prob. But I like the shy ones, REALLY womengirls ;) I think age doesn't matter to them as long you look good and NOT like an old man. There's a good film about a professor who has sex with a lot of his students. Ben Kingley plays the role. I've forgot the title. But when you are like this guy age doesn't matter ;)))

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'08 beach action!

'08 beach action!
Sex on the beach and we're not talking cocktails! I really liked this girl. Hope to see her again!