For years I studied how to get the world's hottest girls. I wanted to get a new smoking one twice a month (in addition to other girls). My search for a mentor ended upon realizing that the authority on these tan blond goddesses (often called gyaru, examples: pic 1, pic 2, pic 3) was yours truly. I was in Japan, and while regular girls for any white guy are fairly simple, the hottest ones, like in the photos above and below, are nearly impossible for a white foreigner to get. But I studied, learned the language, assimilated, and succeeded.

While studying these sexy, hard-to-get girls, I mastered the thoughts of girls in general, regardless of country or background. Since the tan blond gyarus are so rare, I often dated non-tan blond gyaru Japanese girls, Australians, Brazilians, Americans, and ultimately, girls from over 20 different countries. I conquered all far as girls are concerned. I met all of my goals except for being able to consistently get two tan blond gyarus per month. So since I felt I wasn't able to improve further I left and came back to the states to pursue my financial goals. The next step would have been to turn around and teach others what took me nearly a decade to learn. I didn't do that--no money in it--but I do offer this free site which I enjoy writing.

This site is dedicated to teaching the skills necessary for an average guy to pickup the hottest girls around. Some of it's Japan related, some of it works anywhere. Some topics are quite advanced. All topics, methods, statistics, and advice posted here are based on the true Japan nampa experiences of NuBreed. Pickup material such as this nonexistent other than the occasional forum or blog.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Different Mindsets Regarding Sex. Determined by Looks, Actions, and Kissing

Here is some info about how what you observe in a Japanese girl can help you have sex with her. To me, being able to determine an outcome, or know how to proceed towards sex just by observing a girl's looks, actions, speaking style, etc., is the best skill you can have.

I'm still looking for the big breakthrough, but even now how have so many little things that I can observe that help me know what step to take next. In the raw form it would be something like, "All girls who have boots are easy...proceed quickly," "Girls who meet you at 11 pm want sex...take her to your house," or "All girls who are in college want BFs only and sex scares them...proceed with caution."

Before we get to the types let's look at a few other things.

Kissing (K-Close)

Have you ever gone for a kiss and the girl shies away? How about she shied away one time, but not the next, then she shied away again? Confusing, right? Wouldn't it be nice to know what she's thinking? You can! Just Paypal me $9.99 and you download....just kidding, it's free!

The type of girl she is--her type of thinking, rather--will determine if she kisses you passionately and professionally, just kisses you, lets you kiss her and doesn't kiss back, shies away, or runs away! Here are some possible explanations:
  • Kisses back passionately - she'll likely be up for sex (and maybe nothing more)
  • Shies away - she might want to date you but not like how fast things are progressing
  • Runs away - she thought you were just friends and is scared
  • Kisses you back normally - you don't know yet and need more info
  • Lets you kiss, but doesn't pucker up - she doesn't know yet and needs more info
Personally, I'd say that if I tried to kiss a large percentage of my dates on the street or in the restaurant they wouldn't let me. That doesn't mean we wouldn't have sex though, it would just mean that it's too soon to kiss, or else it's out of place.

Seducing Girls

I have to add this section to do my part to help the world get along with each other and help couples keep happy relationships.

Guys, who have become good at getting women in bed but don't know how to treat them afterwards, are often labeled seducers, jerks, playboys, etc. If you nail a chick and never see them again, you're a jerk, hands down. Maybe she doesn't want to see you again, or maybe she doesn't answer your calls again. Heck, you don't even have to arrange to see her again. HOWEVER, if she gave you sex AND she tries to see you again, you must. Do it, or to me, you're a jerk; and I will understand if girls say you seduced them.

Hold on, though, because some girls are seducers too. On countless occasions I've had sex with girls who, after sex, had never contacted me again. At first I was puzzled and tried to call them. Then I wisened up and didn't even get their phone number, so I just send them a text the next day saying I had fun with them. Heck, they'll even block your text sometimes! But, I learned. Guys like us have to learn and respect their feelings: they want sex, so we give it to them. When they get it, they're gone. The symbiosis cycle completed after one date. Do NOT get mad at these girls. They are sluts, yes, but we like sluts, right? They give us what we want, so we give them what they want and leave them alone when we're done with them.

Beware, though, because some of these seducing women are jerks too. They actually lie to themselves to make themselves not feel so slutty! I've had girls tell me something like, "You tricked me, I didn't know we were going to have sex!" and I'd be like like, "Huh? We were making out and you committed as much to it as I did! Plus, you're the one who ignored me after! I thought it was a start to a relationship!"

In short, girls like this get the sex they wanted which will satisfy them for anywhere from a few days to a few months, and they blame you for their need; their slutiness.

I don't get this much anymore though, because I know how to deal with it. I can't go into a lot of details here, but to prevent this from ever happening, maybe 10-15 minutes after sex, tell her, "Wow, I didn't expect to have sex tonight. But, you are so sexy I couldn't control myself. It was great!" You see, that way, you're taking the blame off of her for her. She doesn't have to do it herself. And, you might have even made yourself a new friend or a new sex friend. You see, I told you I'd help keep people in happy relationships!

I think "seducing" a girl to do something she might not want to do is kind of like talking to the little voice inside of her and that voice is what gives up the sex. Afterwards, when she isn't horny that little voice goes away and she thinks for herself again. It's really bad when guys learn this, but don't learn how to treat the girls nicely afterward. It's like becoming a black belt but not learning that you shouldn't go around beating up people with it. Be a nice guy.

4 Different Type of Mindsets Regarding Sex
  1. Girls who just want sex once, maybe because you're a foreigner. These girls are the blondest, youngest, hottest, and most likely to be hostesses. (Generally younger and easier.)
  2. Girls who may or may not want you as a BF. They're deciding. They definitely don't want sex on the first date, though. Doing something extreme, even a kiss before the time is right, might scare them off. (Younger, hard.)
  3. Girls who don't care, and will give it up if you simply touch their leg and turn them on. (Older, easy)
  4. Girls who are just thinking of being friends and don't want sex. They will scare if you even sit by them or hold their hand. This is the type easiest to lose on. (Older, hard.)
Type 1 girls are my favorite looks-wise. They will be the passionate and professional kissers, most of the time. However, some inexperienced ones might want sex but not really know how to kiss so well yet, so they might just let you kiss them and not kiss back. Or, they could be shy, too. These girls might not talk to you after sex. They are the hardest to date, because they like Japanese guys, but once you do get a date with them, they'll give it up easily. You can tell more by how they look and act than by how they kiss. They might be mad at you for seducing them, but not likely. Since they wanted it anyway, it's likely they'll just ignore you afterwards as you've given them pleasure. Maybe meet once more, mail a few times, but mainly, you have to be prepared to kiss her sexy a*s goodbye!

These girls will likely change to become type 3. If they feel guilty for their past slutty actions they might move into type 2 to find a steady BF to make up for their "sins."

Type 2 are characterized by being nice girls. They are basically type 4s, but they actually like you. They are looking for a BF, and trying you out to see if you fit. They will scare if you go for a kiss too soon because they don't want a playboy. If they do kiss you back, it doesn't necessarily mean sex, it just means that she thinks it's a part of your newly progressing relationship. She still knows she can stop and flake at any time. If you seduce girls like this, they might be mad and blame you. They will probably never be a hostess and are likely in college. They're fragile so you have to treat them that way. After sex you have to let them know that you were thinking about it but couldn't help it. You have to say you'll see her again, or else she'll hate you.

Girls in this category will change! They won't stay like this forever. As they get older and more experienced (read seduced) they'll move more towards type 3, in extreme cases maybe type 1. However, if the girl simply doesn't see you as an ideal BF, she'll be type 4 around you and type 2 around other guys.

Type 3 girls are down for whatever. They're for sure not thinking about sex, but if it happens, they don't care. Or, they may just be to carefree (or unintelligent) to go with the flow. These girls are fun and you can make them a GF, have sex with a few times and say goodbye, make them a sex friend or a "regular," etc. They may have previously been another type of girl. They probably won't change unless if they start to feel guilty and become a type 2. They might change based on if they have a BF or not, and be a type 4 towards you.

Type 4 is what I would weed out if I had a way to see it before hand. If anyone has any advice on this let me know! It's a waste of time to date them. I've had type 4s at my house before. Some will get up and move if you try to sit next to them. I had one who wouldn't leave the entranceway of my house! Some are just so shocked that a gaijin is thinking of having sex with them. Some even don't see see gaijin as an appriate sexual partner, so are offended and disgusted that you would try to make a move on her. Some of these might be like this because they have the American ideal of not cheating on their BFs (they think it's the Japanese ideal and think Americans cheat but that's a story for another day). If she won't even sit next to you on date one, date two is usually a WOT.

* * *

So, there you go. I'd say I get these girls around 1/4 of the time each. I have sex with over 75% of the girls I date and most of the losses would be type 4s. I can seduce the type 4s sometimes, and will try if I'm in that position. It's worth a shot, right? Type 1s have always been the hottest. Type 2s can be as hot as type 1s, but not percentage wise. If the girl becomes your GF it's likely she was type 2 (although there are exceptions). Type 3s are nice, but generally not as hot. Let me know if this helps at all!

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'08 beach action!

'08 beach action!
Sex on the beach and we're not talking cocktails! I really liked this girl. Hope to see her again!