For years I studied how to get the world's hottest girls. I wanted to get a new smoking one twice a month (in addition to other girls). My search for a mentor ended upon realizing that the authority on these tan blond goddesses (often called gyaru, examples: pic 1, pic 2, pic 3) was yours truly. I was in Japan, and while regular girls for any white guy are fairly simple, the hottest ones, like in the photos above and below, are nearly impossible for a white foreigner to get. But I studied, learned the language, assimilated, and succeeded.

While studying these sexy, hard-to-get girls, I mastered the thoughts of girls in general, regardless of country or background. Since the tan blond gyarus are so rare, I often dated non-tan blond gyaru Japanese girls, Australians, Brazilians, Americans, and ultimately, girls from over 20 different countries. I conquered all far as girls are concerned. I met all of my goals except for being able to consistently get two tan blond gyarus per month. So since I felt I wasn't able to improve further I left and came back to the states to pursue my financial goals. The next step would have been to turn around and teach others what took me nearly a decade to learn. I didn't do that--no money in it--but I do offer this free site which I enjoy writing.

This site is dedicated to teaching the skills necessary for an average guy to pickup the hottest girls around. Some of it's Japan related, some of it works anywhere. Some topics are quite advanced. All topics, methods, statistics, and advice posted here are based on the true Japan nampa experiences of NuBreed. Pickup material such as this nonexistent other than the occasional forum or blog.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ashamed to Be With Foreigners

Simple Explanation

First I'll tell you how it is: in Japan, we are not the norm. We might be said to be handsome, but we are not viewed as cool, normal, mainstream, or acceptable. We're the equivalent of a handsome black man like Denzel Washington or Will Smith going to try to pick up girls in a town where half the men are white supremacists or KKK members. If that's not enough to convince you, read on to the next scenario.

Jessie, Lindsey, and Their Town

Jessie is a white girl in a fairly normal town in the USA. The town is predominately white, about 75%, with 10% being Hispanic, and 10% black. The other 5% are Arab or "other" and they don't generally leave their respective groups. Jessie is extremely gorgeous, as is her best friend Lindsey. They're both thin, blond, and guys hit on them every day. They only date the muscular guys who dance around and aren't too nice to the girls. You might call them wiggers, tools, or douchebags, but regardless, these dudes are the only ones getting the girls. Josh and Cody are these guys. They were Jessie and Lindsey's ex-boyfriends. Jessie was talking to one of Josh and Cody's friends afterwards, but it didn't work out.

Enter Kang and Ji

One day, when walking through the mall, Kang and Ji two Chinese guys, introduce themselves to Jessie and Lindsey. Kang and Ji speak pretty good English, but if you walked by them you'd be sure they were fresh off the boat. Actually, they're both 28 years old and just finished grad school in the US and have decent jobs. They've both been in the US for 5 years. You wouldn't call them handsome as they are really short and skinny and have the Chinese hairstyle Americans think of as "messy." In all, they're nice guys, but no one takes the time to find that out.

Jessie and Lindsey do, though. They exchange numbers and go on a double date with these guys. The go to the local bar and grill and have some burgers and a few drinks. They're having a good time until Josh, Cody, and all of their friends show up. Josh and Cody snicker at the girls for being with the Chinese guys because they're different and not cool like them. Kang and Ji ignore the comments but Jessie and Lindsey feel embarrassed.

Enter Loud Group of Guys

Another group of guys sitting near who don't even know Jessie and Lindsey. Many of them scream remarks in loud voices, "What are those hot girls doing with those foreigners?" "Those guys are dangerous!" "They're not normal!" "They never have any money!" "They probably have AIDS!" "They are really poor and only come to the world's number one country to rape our women!" "Dangerous!"

This goes on a for while and although Jessie and Lindsey liked Kang and Ji, after they finish their drinks they go home and never talk to them again. They even change their phone numbers because they are too cowardly to tell Kang and Ji that the real reason they can't hang out with them is because of what OTHER people think.

Poor Kang and Ji have had this happen on many occasions. They always get cockblocked by these jerkoff American losers who in 5 years will not have good jobs and will be fat and broke paying child support to 3 different women. But, for now, they have to deal with it.

Kang and Ji Find Girls

Kang and Ji have to settle for some chunky girls, Becky and Katie, with glasses who they met on campus. These girls are 21, but they aren't what you'd call beautiful. They are really interested in Kang and Ji though because they have many chances to practice their Chinese language skills on them. Kang and Ji don't really know what the hell they're trying to say, but they humor them because they want to have sex with someone. In fact, there are several girls studying Chinese at their school and, while none of them are cute, they can pretty much have their pick. They know the girls are using them for language and cultural understanding, but they're using the girls for sex, so it's okay. At least when they go back to China they can tell their friends they had sex with some "hot" American girls. Their friends won't know they're not hot. All white people look alike to them.

And that's your story, folks. If you can make sense of that and change the actors you've just been shown how cute Japanese girls feel when being picked up by foreigners. Hope you enjoyed that!


Kang - You
Ji - Your best friend
Jessie & Lindsey - Hot Japanese girls
Josh & Cody - Gyaru-o
Guys in Bar - Jealous Japanese guys
Becky & Katie - Milkers
Bar & Grill - Izakaya
USA - Japan

Note: No racist comments have been made by the author nor should any be assumed. Any derogatory statements have been used as an explanation method and are not the views of anyone at NuBreed Nampa.

Practice Date

This is something that came to me the other day when I was thinking about this girl. I haven't tried it yet. I was thinking of trying it on a girl at work who, if turned me down for a date, I would save massive face by saying that it's not a real date, but a practice date.

Don't get it?

Hard-to-Schedule Girl

So, you get a girl's number and you're mailing (texting) with her trying to get her to date* you. Japanese girls, especially the ones I call 7.5s and above, are pretty hard to schedule. Going on a date with a gaijin isn't their top priority. If their friends can come it might be fun for an hour or two and then they leave you to do their own thing (ask me how I know this!). She leaves being able to tell everyone that they hung out with a foreigner and you leave what you thought was going to be a romantic date pissed off with a droopy pecker. I'm getting way off-topic here, but it just goes to show that....

Hot girls have better things to do than hang out with you (such as sit on the floor by Lawson and paint their nails). They might be interested in hanging out with you, but not dating you romantically. Or, they likely would "let you" have sex with her IF the conditions were right. Whose job is it to create those conditions? Let's hope you can answer that for yourself.

So, she can't go out with you one-on-one because you're a handsome, seductive guy who made her slightly horny the first time you were around her. She wants to go, but since you refuse to let her show up with her friend, she's planning on turning you down. Nothing you can say will convince her, except maybe saying that you'll meet for one hour for coffee right by her house or something like that. Sure, you might get a purikura with her, but that's a huge waste of your time. So, you just tell her that you can only meet her in the evening in a certain spot, alone, or else you can't meet her at all. She stops mailing you. Unless!....

Possible Solution

You tell her it's a "practice date"! You say, "No no no, we're not going on a date date, it's a practice date." And she'll ask you what you mean by that. You tell her that you'll be going on dates in the future and likely so will she. So you will go though the motions of a date, but you'll both do it knowing that it's practice!

Women's Psychology

Now will it really be practice? No, it won't. The girl, if she comes, will come only because she was allowed to say it was practice. She needs to save face so she doesn't feel like a slut. She needs an excuse to go and saying that the date is only practice just might work. During the date you act normally and you take her home after and have sex with her. She only wanted you for sex anyway since she's never had sex with a foreigner, so the next day she changes her email address and never talks to you again. You ALLOWED her to get what she wanted without feeling slutty about it. She gave you what you wanted, rather, you gave yourself what you wanted! Congratulations! Now would you rather have had sex with this girl once and have her never talk to you again, or would you rather just have her flake? Yeah.

Is this guaranteed to work? No. Will it? Don't know. Would I try it if she refused to give me a Level 1 date and I had no other tricks up my sleeve? Absolutely!

* After the "Mystery Boom" (as I'll from here on out call it), a one-on-one get-together including a guy (who likes girl) and a girl who have met each other recently has, by guys in the "PU-community," suddenly stopped being called a "date" and has reverted to the old term "hang-out." Hang out was not popular in the 80s and 90s, rather, we said "date." In the 90s the term "hang-out" came back into the language forcefully, and after the Mystery Boom PUAs started to use that to replace "date" as to make the get-together seem more friendly. Thus the girl, thinking it's not a date, figures the guy has no romantic expectations of her and she is more likely to go on the DATE.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Hottest or the Easiest?: The 1-Point & 2-Point Separation Rules

Have you ever been in a situation where you know two girls you can potentially sleep with but since they know each other, you can only choose one of them? I used to have that problem but now I have a couple rules that help me make the decision. You kind of have to understand the objective rating scale for this to work (*see below).

The 1-Point Separation Rule:
pick the easier of the two

take the easiest of the two if they are separated by 1 point or less on the rating scale

A sure 6 is much better than an unsure 7 just as a sure 7 is much better than an unsure 8. Look at risk vs reward: you're only getting one point of reward but taking a risk of getting nothing from either. Remember, you can't go for the hottest one, fail, and then go for the other one! (or could you? Hmm....)

Exceptions would be when you get into the higher ranges your own experiences would come into play. For example, I don't know anyone who's nailed a 9.5 but I personally have had some 8.5s. So if it were me I would go all-or-nothing for the rare 9.5. If you're relatively new, though, I would obey the 1-point rule here because an easy 8.5 is NOT easy to come by!

The 2-Point Separation Rule:
pick the hotter of the two

try for the hottest of two if they are separated by two or more points on the rating scale

Let's say you meet a 6 who is mildly attractive and probably pretty easy. But you're not hard up and know you can get 6s relatively easily. And then you have her friend, an 8. She doesn't seem too interested in you so if you choose her you might end up with nothing.

So a 6 in the hand or an 8 to coax out of the bush? For me it's a no brainer. As is a sure 7 vs an unsure, very rare 9. You don't get 8s everyday but you can probably get 6s pretty often. Take the risk! The only exceptions might be a 3 vs 5 or 4 vs 6, where you don't care too much either way so just take the easy one night stand.

*(The rating scale says that 5s are average, 6s are cute, 7s are hot, 8s are really hot, 9s are amazing, 10s don't exist.)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Email & Hunting Game

I had an email exchange with someone who mailed me after reading my blog. He mailed, I mailed back, and here are his responses to my mail:

Nubreed: Right before I left I learned how to have sex with girls on the beach. You probably need a wing, but you only need him to isolate the other girl during the other 10 minutes when you're banging.

PD: Very interesting. I've gamed on the beach and at the pool, but the O [name edited] and I don't know how to take things further. Where do you take them to have sex on the beach? Is this done at night or something?

NuBreed: BTW, here's a hunting game I used to play with my friends. You can teach [your friend]. When you go home, you have to have over 10 points. Scoring:

*10 pts: getting a girl's number
*8 pts: talking to a girl for a few min and asking for number (and not getting it)
*1 pt: making a serious attempt to talk to a girl, regardless of her reaction
*1 pt: passing a girl your business card or paper with number on it (because they only reply 10% of the time)
*-1 pt: just waving, saying "hi" only, or any other half ass attempt
*-1 pt: seeing a SINGLE girl walking slow or standing alone very open to be talked to and not talking to her

PD: Sounds cool. At the rate [my friend] gets numbers on the street I think he'd be in triple digits pretty fast.

It's funny because recently I came up with a pickup "Game" of my own. It was a lot more complicated and I'll be posting about it in the Pickup Lounge before posting the first FR. I'm sure it won't be everyone's cup of tea but I certainly had some fun with it and it definitely improved my game.

NuBreed: Did you like my little "PUA Quadrant?"

PD: I checked out your quadrant from your blog. Very interesting concept.

NuBreed: Situations like this is what I feel I was good at. I didn't have routines or kino (I NEVER touch them)

PD: Now this is really interesting. O is a bit of a fan of yours too and he'll be blown away when I tell him you NEVER touch them. In the past I've had a reputation as the "Iceman" because I never made any physical moves. O though, is the complete opposite. He says he has to hold himself back because he naturally wants to kino them. We ran into some problems using too much kino last time and I'll go into that in a later FR. Fascinating that you don't use it at all in the early stages.

NuBreed: I know the exact time the last trains come in, so by her location, dress, and walking direction, I can tell make an educated guess where she lives and where she's going! I simply walk up and say, "Hey, aren't you from Sakai?" If no, I say, "Oh, thought I saw you there, anyway....blah blah blah." But if I'm right, I'll just be like, "Yeah, my friend lives there. I swear I saw you at the station!" And there you go, I'm in. That's why the rating scale is so important too. Clothing is a window into their personality.

PD: This is hardcore and very impressive. I like the concept of cold-calling because it's so much more interesting than asking questions. I often say "You play basketball" or whatever, instead of "What sport do you play?" That way I'm either a psychic or they have to refute it. You're taking it a step even further with your knowledge of Osaka and their clothing etc. I'll have to work on this.


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'08 beach action!

'08 beach action!
Sex on the beach and we're not talking cocktails! I really liked this girl. Hope to see her again!