For years I studied how to get the world's hottest girls. I wanted to get a new smoking one twice a month (in addition to other girls). My search for a mentor ended upon realizing that the authority on these tan blond goddesses (often called gyaru, examples: pic 1, pic 2, pic 3) was yours truly. I was in Japan, and while regular girls for any white guy are fairly simple, the hottest ones, like in the photos above and below, are nearly impossible for a white foreigner to get. But I studied, learned the language, assimilated, and succeeded.

While studying these sexy, hard-to-get girls, I mastered the thoughts of girls in general, regardless of country or background. Since the tan blond gyarus are so rare, I often dated non-tan blond gyaru Japanese girls, Australians, Brazilians, Americans, and ultimately, girls from over 20 different countries. I conquered all far as girls are concerned. I met all of my goals except for being able to consistently get two tan blond gyarus per month. So since I felt I wasn't able to improve further I left and came back to the states to pursue my financial goals. The next step would have been to turn around and teach others what took me nearly a decade to learn. I didn't do that--no money in it--but I do offer this free site which I enjoy writing.

This site is dedicated to teaching the skills necessary for an average guy to pickup the hottest girls around. Some of it's Japan related, some of it works anywhere. Some topics are quite advanced. All topics, methods, statistics, and advice posted here are based on the true Japan nampa experiences of NuBreed. Pickup material such as this nonexistent other than the occasional forum or blog.

Friday, April 12, 2013

American Women Have Gotten Fat, Ugly, and Mean

American Women Have Gotten Fat, Ugly, and Mean

It's no secret that the looks of American women have taken a turn for the worse over the past few decades.  Of course the scarlet from a movie in any era would be beautiful, but in the 70s, even the average women would, by today's standards, be better--far better!--than average.  Good examples can also be found on Family Feud or other game show from the 70s and 80s.  More on that to follow after a short, relevant book review.

Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land (1961)

One of the main characters, Ben, is in love with Jill, a beautiful nurse assumedly in her mid-20s.  Jill's hobby was men and we're reassured throughout the story that she's a very attractive young woman.  Shortly after meeting them, we're introduced to Miriam, Anne, and Dorcas.  All as beautiful as Jill.  However, Heinlein says the three women "ranged, respectively, from pleasantly plump to deliciously slender.  Their ages spread over fifteen years but it was hard to tell off hand which was the eldest" (93).  I hardly feel that Heinlein was wishing (as we are today) that more women were thin and beautiful and stayed that way into their 40s.  Rather, and this is a side theme to the novel, I think he's showing (wishing?) that if they take care of themselves older women can be as beautiful as younger ones.  And I'm sure he saw the phenomenon in his day more than we do in 2013.  I also think "pleasantly plump" would, in the 1960s, mean a mere 140 lbs.  Nonetheless, the book makes it clear that all three of these women were beautiful and age was not a deterrent to beauty.

Heinlein mocks religion yet sets up a "church" which is pretty much just a hotel where everyone is free to do as they please, relax, go around nude, and have sex with who they please.  When Ben spends time here it's shocking that we see nude 40 year old women who are beautiful.  We're introduced to a housewife who used to be overweight and unhappy.  Now that she's learned to live carefree and set her soul and mind free, her body followed and became more youthful.  Upon meeting her she's naked and beautiful.  Yet reading it I didn't imagine a skinny 21 year old model or the tattoed porn stars you find today.  Rather, I thought of a naturally beautiful woman who may not be skinny, but is, say, a mature-yet-tempting, curvacious 135 lbs.

Women in the 1970s

To avoid explaining further, let's use the words the world's top dating site, Plenty of Fish, lets woman choose to describe themselves.  But let's define what I deduce these would have meant in 1970 for a woman who was 5'5":
Average - 120 lbs who today would be a catch
Curvy - same specs but add 5-10 lbs
A Few Extra Pounds - 150 lbs max
Fat - over 150 lbs
Athletic - when a woman actually trained
Thin - 100 lbs
Women Today
  1. Weight - today the definitions hold in most people's minds only if we add 25% in body weight! 
  2. Age - this one is big!  Even assuming we've added 25% more weight, kind of automatically assume you're talking about a girl under 25.  Back then, you could use it to describe a 35 year old!
  3. Unhealthy Lifestyle - Notice how the housewife's mindset helped her look better.  Think of mindsets back then and think of all the negativity today.  Also think of tanning, tattoos, MSG, fast food, frappes, fried-foods, beer, etc.  Just more reasons that women today are on average less beautiful.
 Also, in 1970, I'd guess the female population distribution for ages 20-35 was more or less like this:
Average - 50%
Curvy - 10%
A Few Extra Pounds - 10%
Fat - 5%
Athletic - 5%
Thin - 20%
And today, based not on what girls call themselves but on the 1970 definitions:
Average - 5%
Curvy - 5%
A Few Extra Pounds - 20%
Fat - 50%
Athletic - 10% (an increase because if you don't train, you're fat!)
Thin - 10%
And even that's being generous.  Everyone not only got fat, but did so at a younger age; and had a scowl on their face while doing it!

Today you might see an "older" woman who looks great.  Kate Beckensale, Jennifer Anniston, or Anna Torv would look great in any decade, but the funny thing is that they are in the "thin" category.  The average, maybe even a bit curvy, 140 lbs, 35 year old attractive housewife no longer exists!

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'08 beach action!

'08 beach action!
Sex on the beach and we're not talking cocktails! I really liked this girl. Hope to see her again!