Here are the different characteristics of girls I like and the different stages they're capable of reaching if they have these traits.
I only look for physical characteristics sexually appealing to when hunting. If see about 3 of the following she'll have grabbed my attention (in approximate order):
1. Bright colors
2. Skin showing
3. Dyed hair
4. Thin
5. Makeup
Deciding to Approach
Before going to pickup a girl I'd have to make sure she had these two:
6. Cute
7. Young
Given Traits for Keen Girls
While talking, if I noticed she had bad teeth, was too young or old, or was smelly or dirty I'd be turned off. In the initial interaction I'll need to be able to converse with her some, but even if not, as long as there are no turn offs, I'm ready for sex. From there it's her disqualifying me. But if she likes me, she is usually:
8. Keen
9. Nice
10. Talkative
11. Intelligence
After Date & Sex (Sex Friend)
From there we might date and have sex. If she fits most of the 1-7 Hunting requirements, and since the Keen elements 8-11 are usually given, I'd keep her around a while if at least one these are met:
12. Fun to be with,
13. Good body, or
14. Good sex
If she fits nearly all of 1-7, is very strong in 8-11, and has both 12 & 13 (Fun and Good body), then I'd be her boyfriend.
Very Long Term/Marriage
I'm not married yet but I think when that point comes I'll need to see a lot of the following:
* Have future financial goals
* Clean - as in housekeeping
* Not jealous
* Cheap - as in not wasting money
* Similar interests - traveling, outdoors, fun restaurants, drinking, etc
Friday, February 27, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Different Mindsets Regarding Sex. Determined by Looks, Actions, and Kissing
Here is some info about how what you observe in a Japanese girl can help you have sex with her. To me, being able to determine an outcome, or know how to proceed towards sex just by observing a girl's looks, actions, speaking style, etc., is the best skill you can have.
I'm still looking for the big breakthrough, but even now how have so many little things that I can observe that help me know what step to take next. In the raw form it would be something like, "All girls who have boots are easy...proceed quickly," "Girls who meet you at 11 pm want sex...take her to your house," or "All girls who are in college want BFs only and sex scares them...proceed with caution."
Before we get to the types let's look at a few other things.
Kissing (K-Close)
Have you ever gone for a kiss and the girl shies away? How about she shied away one time, but not the next, then she shied away again? Confusing, right? Wouldn't it be nice to know what she's thinking? You can! Just Paypal me $9.99 and you download....just kidding, it's free!
The type of girl she is--her type of thinking, rather--will determine if she kisses you passionately and professionally, just kisses you, lets you kiss her and doesn't kiss back, shies away, or runs away! Here are some possible explanations:
Seducing Girls
I have to add this section to do my part to help the world get along with each other and help couples keep happy relationships.
Guys, who have become good at getting women in bed but don't know how to treat them afterwards, are often labeled seducers, jerks, playboys, etc. If you nail a chick and never see them again, you're a jerk, hands down. Maybe she doesn't want to see you again, or maybe she doesn't answer your calls again. Heck, you don't even have to arrange to see her again. HOWEVER, if she gave you sex AND she tries to see you again, you must. Do it, or to me, you're a jerk; and I will understand if girls say you seduced them.
Hold on, though, because some girls are seducers too. On countless occasions I've had sex with girls who, after sex, had never contacted me again. At first I was puzzled and tried to call them. Then I wisened up and didn't even get their phone number, so I just send them a text the next day saying I had fun with them. Heck, they'll even block your text sometimes! But, I learned. Guys like us have to learn and respect their feelings: they want sex, so we give it to them. When they get it, they're gone. The symbiosis cycle completed after one date. Do NOT get mad at these girls. They are sluts, yes, but we like sluts, right? They give us what we want, so we give them what they want and leave them alone when we're done with them.
Beware, though, because some of these seducing women are jerks too. They actually lie to themselves to make themselves not feel so slutty! I've had girls tell me something like, "You tricked me, I didn't know we were going to have sex!" and I'd be like like, "Huh? We were making out and you committed as much to it as I did! Plus, you're the one who ignored me after! I thought it was a start to a relationship!"
In short, girls like this get the sex they wanted which will satisfy them for anywhere from a few days to a few months, and they blame you for their need; their slutiness.
I don't get this much anymore though, because I know how to deal with it. I can't go into a lot of details here, but to prevent this from ever happening, maybe 10-15 minutes after sex, tell her, "Wow, I didn't expect to have sex tonight. But, you are so sexy I couldn't control myself. It was great!" You see, that way, you're taking the blame off of her for her. She doesn't have to do it herself. And, you might have even made yourself a new friend or a new sex friend. You see, I told you I'd help keep people in happy relationships!
I think "seducing" a girl to do something she might not want to do is kind of like talking to the little voice inside of her and that voice is what gives up the sex. Afterwards, when she isn't horny that little voice goes away and she thinks for herself again. It's really bad when guys learn this, but don't learn how to treat the girls nicely afterward. It's like becoming a black belt but not learning that you shouldn't go around beating up people with it. Be a nice guy.
4 Different Type of Mindsets Regarding Sex
These girls will likely change to become type 3. If they feel guilty for their past slutty actions they might move into type 2 to find a steady BF to make up for their "sins."
Type 2 are characterized by being nice girls. They are basically type 4s, but they actually like you. They are looking for a BF, and trying you out to see if you fit. They will scare if you go for a kiss too soon because they don't want a playboy. If they do kiss you back, it doesn't necessarily mean sex, it just means that she thinks it's a part of your newly progressing relationship. She still knows she can stop and flake at any time. If you seduce girls like this, they might be mad and blame you. They will probably never be a hostess and are likely in college. They're fragile so you have to treat them that way. After sex you have to let them know that you were thinking about it but couldn't help it. You have to say you'll see her again, or else she'll hate you.
Girls in this category will change! They won't stay like this forever. As they get older and more experienced (read seduced) they'll move more towards type 3, in extreme cases maybe type 1. However, if the girl simply doesn't see you as an ideal BF, she'll be type 4 around you and type 2 around other guys.
Type 3 girls are down for whatever. They're for sure not thinking about sex, but if it happens, they don't care. Or, they may just be to carefree (or unintelligent) to go with the flow. These girls are fun and you can make them a GF, have sex with a few times and say goodbye, make them a sex friend or a "regular," etc. They may have previously been another type of girl. They probably won't change unless if they start to feel guilty and become a type 2. They might change based on if they have a BF or not, and be a type 4 towards you.
Type 4 is what I would weed out if I had a way to see it before hand. If anyone has any advice on this let me know! It's a waste of time to date them. I've had type 4s at my house before. Some will get up and move if you try to sit next to them. I had one who wouldn't leave the entranceway of my house! Some are just so shocked that a gaijin is thinking of having sex with them. Some even don't see see gaijin as an appriate sexual partner, so are offended and disgusted that you would try to make a move on her. Some of these might be like this because they have the American ideal of not cheating on their BFs (they think it's the Japanese ideal and think Americans cheat but that's a story for another day). If she won't even sit next to you on date one, date two is usually a WOT.
So, there you go. I'd say I get these girls around 1/4 of the time each. I have sex with over 75% of the girls I date and most of the losses would be type 4s. I can seduce the type 4s sometimes, and will try if I'm in that position. It's worth a shot, right? Type 1s have always been the hottest. Type 2s can be as hot as type 1s, but not percentage wise. If the girl becomes your GF it's likely she was type 2 (although there are exceptions). Type 3s are nice, but generally not as hot. Let me know if this helps at all!
I'm still looking for the big breakthrough, but even now how have so many little things that I can observe that help me know what step to take next. In the raw form it would be something like, "All girls who have boots are easy...proceed quickly," "Girls who meet you at 11 pm want sex...take her to your house," or "All girls who are in college want BFs only and sex scares them...proceed with caution."
Before we get to the types let's look at a few other things.
Kissing (K-Close)
Have you ever gone for a kiss and the girl shies away? How about she shied away one time, but not the next, then she shied away again? Confusing, right? Wouldn't it be nice to know what she's thinking? You can! Just Paypal me $9.99 and you download....just kidding, it's free!
The type of girl she is--her type of thinking, rather--will determine if she kisses you passionately and professionally, just kisses you, lets you kiss her and doesn't kiss back, shies away, or runs away! Here are some possible explanations:
- Kisses back passionately - she'll likely be up for sex (and maybe nothing more)
- Shies away - she might want to date you but not like how fast things are progressing
- Runs away - she thought you were just friends and is scared
- Kisses you back normally - you don't know yet and need more info
- Lets you kiss, but doesn't pucker up - she doesn't know yet and needs more info
Seducing Girls
I have to add this section to do my part to help the world get along with each other and help couples keep happy relationships.
Guys, who have become good at getting women in bed but don't know how to treat them afterwards, are often labeled seducers, jerks, playboys, etc. If you nail a chick and never see them again, you're a jerk, hands down. Maybe she doesn't want to see you again, or maybe she doesn't answer your calls again. Heck, you don't even have to arrange to see her again. HOWEVER, if she gave you sex AND she tries to see you again, you must. Do it, or to me, you're a jerk; and I will understand if girls say you seduced them.
Hold on, though, because some girls are seducers too. On countless occasions I've had sex with girls who, after sex, had never contacted me again. At first I was puzzled and tried to call them. Then I wisened up and didn't even get their phone number, so I just send them a text the next day saying I had fun with them. Heck, they'll even block your text sometimes! But, I learned. Guys like us have to learn and respect their feelings: they want sex, so we give it to them. When they get it, they're gone. The symbiosis cycle completed after one date. Do NOT get mad at these girls. They are sluts, yes, but we like sluts, right? They give us what we want, so we give them what they want and leave them alone when we're done with them.
Beware, though, because some of these seducing women are jerks too. They actually lie to themselves to make themselves not feel so slutty! I've had girls tell me something like, "You tricked me, I didn't know we were going to have sex!" and I'd be like like, "Huh? We were making out and you committed as much to it as I did! Plus, you're the one who ignored me after! I thought it was a start to a relationship!"
In short, girls like this get the sex they wanted which will satisfy them for anywhere from a few days to a few months, and they blame you for their need; their slutiness.
I don't get this much anymore though, because I know how to deal with it. I can't go into a lot of details here, but to prevent this from ever happening, maybe 10-15 minutes after sex, tell her, "Wow, I didn't expect to have sex tonight. But, you are so sexy I couldn't control myself. It was great!" You see, that way, you're taking the blame off of her for her. She doesn't have to do it herself. And, you might have even made yourself a new friend or a new sex friend. You see, I told you I'd help keep people in happy relationships!
I think "seducing" a girl to do something she might not want to do is kind of like talking to the little voice inside of her and that voice is what gives up the sex. Afterwards, when she isn't horny that little voice goes away and she thinks for herself again. It's really bad when guys learn this, but don't learn how to treat the girls nicely afterward. It's like becoming a black belt but not learning that you shouldn't go around beating up people with it. Be a nice guy.
4 Different Type of Mindsets Regarding Sex
- Girls who just want sex once, maybe because you're a foreigner. These girls are the blondest, youngest, hottest, and most likely to be hostesses. (Generally younger and easier.)
- Girls who may or may not want you as a BF. They're deciding. They definitely don't want sex on the first date, though. Doing something extreme, even a kiss before the time is right, might scare them off. (Younger, hard.)
- Girls who don't care, and will give it up if you simply touch their leg and turn them on. (Older, easy)
- Girls who are just thinking of being friends and don't want sex. They will scare if you even sit by them or hold their hand. This is the type easiest to lose on. (Older, hard.)
These girls will likely change to become type 3. If they feel guilty for their past slutty actions they might move into type 2 to find a steady BF to make up for their "sins."
Type 2 are characterized by being nice girls. They are basically type 4s, but they actually like you. They are looking for a BF, and trying you out to see if you fit. They will scare if you go for a kiss too soon because they don't want a playboy. If they do kiss you back, it doesn't necessarily mean sex, it just means that she thinks it's a part of your newly progressing relationship. She still knows she can stop and flake at any time. If you seduce girls like this, they might be mad and blame you. They will probably never be a hostess and are likely in college. They're fragile so you have to treat them that way. After sex you have to let them know that you were thinking about it but couldn't help it. You have to say you'll see her again, or else she'll hate you.
Girls in this category will change! They won't stay like this forever. As they get older and more experienced (read seduced) they'll move more towards type 3, in extreme cases maybe type 1. However, if the girl simply doesn't see you as an ideal BF, she'll be type 4 around you and type 2 around other guys.
Type 3 girls are down for whatever. They're for sure not thinking about sex, but if it happens, they don't care. Or, they may just be to carefree (or unintelligent) to go with the flow. These girls are fun and you can make them a GF, have sex with a few times and say goodbye, make them a sex friend or a "regular," etc. They may have previously been another type of girl. They probably won't change unless if they start to feel guilty and become a type 2. They might change based on if they have a BF or not, and be a type 4 towards you.
Type 4 is what I would weed out if I had a way to see it before hand. If anyone has any advice on this let me know! It's a waste of time to date them. I've had type 4s at my house before. Some will get up and move if you try to sit next to them. I had one who wouldn't leave the entranceway of my house! Some are just so shocked that a gaijin is thinking of having sex with them. Some even don't see see gaijin as an appriate sexual partner, so are offended and disgusted that you would try to make a move on her. Some of these might be like this because they have the American ideal of not cheating on their BFs (they think it's the Japanese ideal and think Americans cheat but that's a story for another day). If she won't even sit next to you on date one, date two is usually a WOT.
* * *
So, there you go. I'd say I get these girls around 1/4 of the time each. I have sex with over 75% of the girls I date and most of the losses would be type 4s. I can seduce the type 4s sometimes, and will try if I'm in that position. It's worth a shot, right? Type 1s have always been the hottest. Type 2s can be as hot as type 1s, but not percentage wise. If the girl becomes your GF it's likely she was type 2 (although there are exceptions). Type 3s are nice, but generally not as hot. Let me know if this helps at all!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Skills to be a Top Japan PUA: Top-Ten Countdown
There are a lot of guys living in Japan who need help meeting women, so they consult the mainly online PUA community to get advice from the PU gurus in the US. These gurus have not been to Japan, therefore, when they say, "this works on all girls everywhere," they're not being entirely truthful. If you're reading this it's obvious that you're interested in Japanese women. So, when you search for advice about how to get these women, wouldn't it make sense to place more value on advice from someone who's been successful with Japanese women over several years and place a lesser value on what American PUA instructors advise? Judging by the low success rates of guys in Japan practicing this material, I think it's time to try some new things!
In short, very little of the advice given by these gurus matters one bit. You could do it, or you could not do it, either way, there are completely different factors which make all the difference. I'll go over a few main traits that someone would need to have to get the hottest girls in Japan. I'm not talking about the girls your foreign friends fool themselves into thinking are the hottest girls, I'm talking about the girls the coolest Japanese guys have trouble getting. I call them 8s and above. These traits will also help keep a high success rate when dating 6s and 7s. Most foreign guys dates 4s, 5s, and 6s. Granted, the below the traits work for these girls too, however, you don't have to meet all criteria to be successful! Even with all these traits, the hotter the girl the harder she'll be. That's always a given.
The Traits
1. Japanese. If you don't speak any Japanese you're limited to under 5% of the population. The cutest girls don't speak English (see why here) so that 5% is limited to the more average girls. So, if you want to be a PUA, sarging the hottest Japanese girls, Japanese is the most important factor. It heads our list. Learn it!
2. Common Sense. I'm sticking this in the number 2 slot because it includes so much. When you're picking up a girl can you sense if she's uncomfortable? Are you leaning too close or touching her too much? Are you being pushy about trying to date her now instead of just getting her address and texting her later? Is her friend coming and you have to hurry up and get her number before then so she's not embarrassed giving her number to a gaijin? Did you put two and two together that she has to be somewhere at a certain time so you won't have time to get her home on the date? This deserves a book of its own, but we don't have time for that. For now, you either have common sense or you don't. If you don't, the next trait can actually nearly overcome it.
3. Experience. This is a biggy so it's up at number 3. While someone who has a lot of common sense can come to Japan and pick up right away, someone with experience will learn to pickup through trial and error and from that point on be able to pickup for life. I've always had common sense and did fine when I first got to Japan, but, now, I'd say experience is more important and gets me laid more often than common sense. Why? I've been doing this for years, so I've pretty much seen everything and know what works and when.
4. Quick-thinking. This is kind of hard to explain, but I'm including non-KY here, so it's at number 4 on our countdown. KY, in Japanese, means someone who can't understand the situation at hand and behaves inconsistently with that situation. A quick-thinker rarely does something KY. Also, here we need to include how fast your brain recalls memories or draws conclusions and makes connections to something a girl mentions. If you can make a connection quickly you can converse better. Also, if you're a quick thinker, even if your Japanese isn't great, you might be able to dig through the data base which is your head and find the possible meaning of a word.
5. Non-Clueless. Some guys have no clue how to treat women. Some guys talk about what they did in college or high school. Does anyone really care, especially a hot girl? No. Some guys take girls on dates to clubs and get them taken by other guys. Some guys waste time going out with a girl and all her friends and wonder why she'll never meet him for a Level 1 and have sex with him. This is simple to overcome: think!
6. Plan ahead. What are you going to do with that girl who you're meeting tonight at 7 pm? You know she'll be 30 minutes late, right? Then you go to dinner at 7:45 and you're finally done after nine. You didn't have her drink a beer on the street before going in the restaurant, so she's hasn't even had enough to lie to herself that she's drunk and let herself have sex with you. Plus your house is like 30 minutes away, so you won't be there until 9:45, and her last train is 11. Do you really think you'll succeed? Plan ahead, or don't meet her! Scenario two: meeting a girl at a random station. How are you going to bang her if you haven't even researched where the hotels are?
7. Shy or out-going? You definitely can't be shy. You have to talk to girls. If I didn't talk to girls I'd get about 2 a year. If you're really good-looking maybe a few more, but still. An extreme form of shyness could actually be number one on our list. If you're shy, I've got some material to help to overcome that. Contact me!
8. Settling. I see guys settle for girls because they are easier to get. They tell themselves that they like these girls because they are just as good as the hot ones if the hot one didn't have all the makeup on. Uhh, yeah, but if you're reading this you should know that that's the point. We want the hottest girls! You may have all of these traits and more, but if you settle for your 6-rated GF then you're not going to be picking up that 8 are you?
9. Arrogance. If you're too arrogant, espeically to the girl, she's gone. I see this problem sometimes.
10. Desire. Rounding out our countdown would be actually caring. This can be similar to 8, whereas you can get a hotter girl, but you settle for another one just because she's there. But this is a bit different in that you think a girl is a girl, so you just go for whatever, or, you have that sex friend you're banging so you don't desire a newer, hotter girl, and therefore you don't get one.
Well, that rounds out my little top 10 list. I know it's not a good top 10 list but it sounds cooler that way, huh? I think we need a new category on the very top: 0. Going out and trying! But, that's a given. Here are a few more. They're physical, so the degree plays a part in importance. Obviously if you're 80, 300 pounds, or look like Billy Jim-Bob with three teeth and cow sh*t on your shoes you're not getting anything!
Appearance. You're born with your raw looks, but you can do a lot to change your appearance. For one, dress nicely. I didn't say you have to dress expensively, I said nicely. You can sport a T-shirt and jeans and still be dressed nicely. But no holey jeans, dirty shoes, etc. How's your hair? Is it plain or styled? Styled is best, but don't overdo it or you're looking like a playboy. Do you smell nice? Do you reek of cologne? No one likes that either!
Weight. Foriegners are on average about four inches taller than Japanese, and we know there are a lot of true stereotypes about foreigners being fat. Are you overweight? It for sure isn't going to help you. The portions are smaller in Japan and while it's hard to eat perfectly healthy, everything is pretty much on the healthy side, whereas in the US you can have either very healthy or very unhealthy. Keep the calories down. No extra helpings of rice! And exercise. Sex is good exercise, so you get double the benefits with this one!
Age. What's the ideal age to get the hottest girls? Well, first of all the hottest girls are 18-22, and they usually like guys 5-10 years older. So, since this post...this blog is about the hottest, I'm going to say the ideal age is 25-30, give or take. 40 year old going for an 18 year old? It's not that it can't be done, but it's harder. A 22 year old going for a 22 year old? Can be done, but harder. I think you get the point here. Personally, I can't really say at what age I was in my prime (related post) because experience has overtaken all and to this day I continue improving!
In short, very little of the advice given by these gurus matters one bit. You could do it, or you could not do it, either way, there are completely different factors which make all the difference. I'll go over a few main traits that someone would need to have to get the hottest girls in Japan. I'm not talking about the girls your foreign friends fool themselves into thinking are the hottest girls, I'm talking about the girls the coolest Japanese guys have trouble getting. I call them 8s and above. These traits will also help keep a high success rate when dating 6s and 7s. Most foreign guys dates 4s, 5s, and 6s. Granted, the below the traits work for these girls too, however, you don't have to meet all criteria to be successful! Even with all these traits, the hotter the girl the harder she'll be. That's always a given.
The Traits
1. Japanese. If you don't speak any Japanese you're limited to under 5% of the population. The cutest girls don't speak English (see why here) so that 5% is limited to the more average girls. So, if you want to be a PUA, sarging the hottest Japanese girls, Japanese is the most important factor. It heads our list. Learn it!
2. Common Sense. I'm sticking this in the number 2 slot because it includes so much. When you're picking up a girl can you sense if she's uncomfortable? Are you leaning too close or touching her too much? Are you being pushy about trying to date her now instead of just getting her address and texting her later? Is her friend coming and you have to hurry up and get her number before then so she's not embarrassed giving her number to a gaijin? Did you put two and two together that she has to be somewhere at a certain time so you won't have time to get her home on the date? This deserves a book of its own, but we don't have time for that. For now, you either have common sense or you don't. If you don't, the next trait can actually nearly overcome it.
3. Experience. This is a biggy so it's up at number 3. While someone who has a lot of common sense can come to Japan and pick up right away, someone with experience will learn to pickup through trial and error and from that point on be able to pickup for life. I've always had common sense and did fine when I first got to Japan, but, now, I'd say experience is more important and gets me laid more often than common sense. Why? I've been doing this for years, so I've pretty much seen everything and know what works and when.
4. Quick-thinking. This is kind of hard to explain, but I'm including non-KY here, so it's at number 4 on our countdown. KY, in Japanese, means someone who can't understand the situation at hand and behaves inconsistently with that situation. A quick-thinker rarely does something KY. Also, here we need to include how fast your brain recalls memories or draws conclusions and makes connections to something a girl mentions. If you can make a connection quickly you can converse better. Also, if you're a quick thinker, even if your Japanese isn't great, you might be able to dig through the data base which is your head and find the possible meaning of a word.
5. Non-Clueless. Some guys have no clue how to treat women. Some guys talk about what they did in college or high school. Does anyone really care, especially a hot girl? No. Some guys take girls on dates to clubs and get them taken by other guys. Some guys waste time going out with a girl and all her friends and wonder why she'll never meet him for a Level 1 and have sex with him. This is simple to overcome: think!
6. Plan ahead. What are you going to do with that girl who you're meeting tonight at 7 pm? You know she'll be 30 minutes late, right? Then you go to dinner at 7:45 and you're finally done after nine. You didn't have her drink a beer on the street before going in the restaurant, so she's hasn't even had enough to lie to herself that she's drunk and let herself have sex with you. Plus your house is like 30 minutes away, so you won't be there until 9:45, and her last train is 11. Do you really think you'll succeed? Plan ahead, or don't meet her! Scenario two: meeting a girl at a random station. How are you going to bang her if you haven't even researched where the hotels are?
7. Shy or out-going? You definitely can't be shy. You have to talk to girls. If I didn't talk to girls I'd get about 2 a year. If you're really good-looking maybe a few more, but still. An extreme form of shyness could actually be number one on our list. If you're shy, I've got some material to help to overcome that. Contact me!
8. Settling. I see guys settle for girls because they are easier to get. They tell themselves that they like these girls because they are just as good as the hot ones if the hot one didn't have all the makeup on. Uhh, yeah, but if you're reading this you should know that that's the point. We want the hottest girls! You may have all of these traits and more, but if you settle for your 6-rated GF then you're not going to be picking up that 8 are you?
9. Arrogance. If you're too arrogant, espeically to the girl, she's gone. I see this problem sometimes.
10. Desire. Rounding out our countdown would be actually caring. This can be similar to 8, whereas you can get a hotter girl, but you settle for another one just because she's there. But this is a bit different in that you think a girl is a girl, so you just go for whatever, or, you have that sex friend you're banging so you don't desire a newer, hotter girl, and therefore you don't get one.
Well, that rounds out my little top 10 list. I know it's not a good top 10 list but it sounds cooler that way, huh? I think we need a new category on the very top: 0. Going out and trying! But, that's a given. Here are a few more. They're physical, so the degree plays a part in importance. Obviously if you're 80, 300 pounds, or look like Billy Jim-Bob with three teeth and cow sh*t on your shoes you're not getting anything!
Appearance. You're born with your raw looks, but you can do a lot to change your appearance. For one, dress nicely. I didn't say you have to dress expensively, I said nicely. You can sport a T-shirt and jeans and still be dressed nicely. But no holey jeans, dirty shoes, etc. How's your hair? Is it plain or styled? Styled is best, but don't overdo it or you're looking like a playboy. Do you smell nice? Do you reek of cologne? No one likes that either!
Weight. Foriegners are on average about four inches taller than Japanese, and we know there are a lot of true stereotypes about foreigners being fat. Are you overweight? It for sure isn't going to help you. The portions are smaller in Japan and while it's hard to eat perfectly healthy, everything is pretty much on the healthy side, whereas in the US you can have either very healthy or very unhealthy. Keep the calories down. No extra helpings of rice! And exercise. Sex is good exercise, so you get double the benefits with this one!
Age. What's the ideal age to get the hottest girls? Well, first of all the hottest girls are 18-22, and they usually like guys 5-10 years older. So, since this post...this blog is about the hottest, I'm going to say the ideal age is 25-30, give or take. 40 year old going for an 18 year old? It's not that it can't be done, but it's harder. A 22 year old going for a 22 year old? Can be done, but harder. I think you get the point here. Personally, I can't really say at what age I was in my prime (related post) because experience has overtaken all and to this day I continue improving!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Foreigners' Dick Size
This might seem odd, and if you're not open-minded, you might want to skip it. If you want to know another reason why I'm successful at getting girls, read on. I think I'm the only guy to ever try this. You see, I'm always trying new things. Many don't work. What does work I do over and over again, obviously. So, you're getting the meat: the stuff that's worked. And, what I'm about to tell you about Dick size works! *1
The Stereotypes
Japanese men have the smallest Dicks on the planet. Even Chinese and other Asian countries are larger. People know this, or at least have heard it. You being a foreigner in Japan might like this. Now you really seem like the man, right? It's great, right?? Here I'm going to convince how this hurts you and limits your sex options.
Japanese men know this (mostly true) stereotype. Do you think they're pleased by it? Heck no! They make up several things to offset their small size. They say their Dick is more powerful. They say they have better sexual technique. They say that Japan has more positions. They'll say that they can last longer and make it rise more. They'll say that a big Dick will hurt a girl. And mostly, they say that while foreigners may be big, they're soft.
Now that's a lot working against you right there! The hurting and the idea of a foreigner being a caveman in the sack is what hurts us the most. Let's look at a simple way to combat this.
Solving the Problem
You can argue and say, "Not only do I have good technique and get very hard, but I'm also big!" Great, you just said that you're Mr. Stud. Can any man be that great? Are you? The answers are likely yes, and believe me, I know it's true, but are we going to convince Japanese girls of this? Uh-uh.
So, we give them all of their stereotypes to be true! We just agree with them! Then, they are happy that you agreed with the. They won't want to have sex with you if all that is true, right? Well, after you agree, you simply tell them, "But not me! My Dick is small and hard, like Japanese."
And that's it! You're done! Do you have that much pride that you don't want to say that if it happens to come up? Fine, don't, and enjoy a lower success ratio! I'd even bring it up on my own, eliminating a possible obstacle before it arises.
And, another way to do it is to say that the stereotype is all wrong. Sure, some foreigners are big and soft, like porn stars or something, but most guys are almost the same as Japanese. "It's not going to hurt at all! Gaijin are small too!" There, you only change the cases creating the stereotype to a small percentage of the population.
Do that, and you're in. Girls don't want a vulgar guy in bed who has a big soft unit flapping around. You get what you want by simply flapping your gums!
*1 I'm limiting myself to the use of Dick with a capital "D" like the man's name here. The reason is that if I swear the software won't let me display certain things on the site. I actually have to edit some older entries too.
The Stereotypes
Japanese men have the smallest Dicks on the planet. Even Chinese and other Asian countries are larger. People know this, or at least have heard it. You being a foreigner in Japan might like this. Now you really seem like the man, right? It's great, right?? Here I'm going to convince how this hurts you and limits your sex options.
Japanese men know this (mostly true) stereotype. Do you think they're pleased by it? Heck no! They make up several things to offset their small size. They say their Dick is more powerful. They say they have better sexual technique. They say that Japan has more positions. They'll say that they can last longer and make it rise more. They'll say that a big Dick will hurt a girl. And mostly, they say that while foreigners may be big, they're soft.
Now that's a lot working against you right there! The hurting and the idea of a foreigner being a caveman in the sack is what hurts us the most. Let's look at a simple way to combat this.
Solving the Problem
You can argue and say, "Not only do I have good technique and get very hard, but I'm also big!" Great, you just said that you're Mr. Stud. Can any man be that great? Are you? The answers are likely yes, and believe me, I know it's true, but are we going to convince Japanese girls of this? Uh-uh.
So, we give them all of their stereotypes to be true! We just agree with them! Then, they are happy that you agreed with the. They won't want to have sex with you if all that is true, right? Well, after you agree, you simply tell them, "But not me! My Dick is small and hard, like Japanese."
And that's it! You're done! Do you have that much pride that you don't want to say that if it happens to come up? Fine, don't, and enjoy a lower success ratio! I'd even bring it up on my own, eliminating a possible obstacle before it arises.
And, another way to do it is to say that the stereotype is all wrong. Sure, some foreigners are big and soft, like porn stars or something, but most guys are almost the same as Japanese. "It's not going to hurt at all! Gaijin are small too!" There, you only change the cases creating the stereotype to a small percentage of the population.
Do that, and you're in. Girls don't want a vulgar guy in bed who has a big soft unit flapping around. You get what you want by simply flapping your gums!
* * *
*1 I'm limiting myself to the use of Dick with a capital "D" like the man's name here. The reason is that if I swear the software won't let me display certain things on the site. I actually have to edit some older entries too.
GACC: Making Japan Love Foreigners Again
I say we start a club. The idea of it being a club is kind of stupid, but it could also be very fun. Foreigners are obviously not the the most popular choice of boyfriends among Japanese girls. Why? Well, we are different. We scare them. We're stereotyped as being vulgar and not being able to speak Japanese or fit into cultural norms. You can speak for yourself on this one, but I don't fit into the vulgar gaijin stereotype. I've learned to fit in in all but my looks in certain situations, and when I don't, you darn best believe I've tried to! However, stereotypes are formed because they're usually true, right? Why not try to change these?
The club is the Gaijin Are Cool Club. GACC, baby! We tell all the people we know how gaijin are so cool and that all girls want to date gaijin. To keep people from wondering why gaijin are always with 日本じ~んって感じ (ugly, old style Japanese, etc.) girls, we tell them that it's because while cute girls were getting dates in high school, the average and ugly girls stayed home studying English, and they are the only ones capable of getting the cool gaijin. The hot girls want gaijin but don't speak English so can't get them! (Not entirely true, but very plausable, and it's very easy to convince someone of this.)
We must communicate this to all girls we're interested in:
Hot girls are incapable of getting gaijin who don't speak Japanese.
When you see these couples, they're speaking English, right? Only
the English-speaking girls can get the handsome tourists too, due to
good English. Of course my friends and I only have cute girls because
we can speak some Japanese.
What not to say:
Most gaijin are stupid and work at crappy English teaching jobs. They
are too lazy to study Japanese.
What to say:
Most hot girls are stupid and can't speak English. They can't get the
cool foreigners working at cool places like GABA, GEOS, NOVA, and other
English schools. Too bad for them!
Never say the reason that a gaijin isn't with a girl is because he can't speak Japanese; say it's because the girl doesn't speak English. Keep the gaijin on the pedestal at all times. Keep the pretty girls off the pedestal.
And, if you are the gaijin talking to the pretty girl, keep it in the third person, keeping both you and her out of the conversation. She will not forget you're a foreigner, and she would like to think she's a pretty girl. You calling pretty girls stupid will make her feel lucky to be able to be with a cool gaijin like you. You might want to mention that you personally don't go for ugly girls. If she knows that she'll stay with you because she wants to be in the pretty girl group.
Sounds stupid but it worrrrks! It's so easy to brainwash them--they're Japanese!
Social proof of being a foreigner should be something that's goooood. If everyone heard this story all gaijin would be getting double the action! Let's GACC!
The club is the Gaijin Are Cool Club. GACC, baby! We tell all the people we know how gaijin are so cool and that all girls want to date gaijin. To keep people from wondering why gaijin are always with 日本じ~んって感じ (ugly, old style Japanese, etc.) girls, we tell them that it's because while cute girls were getting dates in high school, the average and ugly girls stayed home studying English, and they are the only ones capable of getting the cool gaijin. The hot girls want gaijin but don't speak English so can't get them! (Not entirely true, but very plausable, and it's very easy to convince someone of this.)
We must communicate this to all girls we're interested in:
Hot girls are incapable of getting gaijin who don't speak Japanese.
When you see these couples, they're speaking English, right? Only
the English-speaking girls can get the handsome tourists too, due to
good English. Of course my friends and I only have cute girls because
we can speak some Japanese.
What not to say:
Most gaijin are stupid and work at crappy English teaching jobs. They
are too lazy to study Japanese.
What to say:
Most hot girls are stupid and can't speak English. They can't get the
cool foreigners working at cool places like GABA, GEOS, NOVA, and other
English schools. Too bad for them!
Never say the reason that a gaijin isn't with a girl is because he can't speak Japanese; say it's because the girl doesn't speak English. Keep the gaijin on the pedestal at all times. Keep the pretty girls off the pedestal.
And, if you are the gaijin talking to the pretty girl, keep it in the third person, keeping both you and her out of the conversation. She will not forget you're a foreigner, and she would like to think she's a pretty girl. You calling pretty girls stupid will make her feel lucky to be able to be with a cool gaijin like you. You might want to mention that you personally don't go for ugly girls. If she knows that she'll stay with you because she wants to be in the pretty girl group.
Sounds stupid but it worrrrks! It's so easy to brainwash them--they're Japanese!
2009 Update
In 2008 I finally left Japan. I feel I kind of conquered all anyone has ever conquered as far as girls are concerned. I got the pics to remember the good times, and I have the knowledge and experience to do it again anytime I want to. I'd say I can do this for the next 10 years (related post: Can We Get 20 y.o. Girls at Age 35-40?).
What didn't I accomplish that I wanted to? Well, I did want to spend a little money and go to the hostess bars and brothels and see if paying for women is as much fun as hunting, dating, and seducing. I wanted to be able to get two tan blond gyaru per month, and I wasn't able to do that. There aren't that many tan blond gyaru around to begin with, and they rarely talk to a foreigner if approached, so I don't see this as a huge failure, rather, I see it as a challenge I'd like to someday overcome, even if for a short time.
Combining topics from the last paragraph, you'd see how money to afford hostess bars where the hottest girls sometimes are would allow me to meet several of these girls per month. That's a bonus money would give me. Another bonus is that I wouldn't have to work as much, meaning I would have more time to go out and maybe more time to meet girls. During the end of my time in Japan I would rarely hunt, I'd just see girls during a commute somewhere and chat them up. Worked just as well, and even more efficient than devoting time to nampa. More time would mean I could again dedicate time specifically to hunting as well.
That isn't the main reason I moved home, I came to pursue my own financial goals, but the above is a byproduct of success, and a motivator when I regret being in the US when I could be in Japan dating hot girls. Travel and free time are actually the biggest motivators. I want to go to several countries, rent cottages in the woods, and relax with a good buddy or lady friend. Fancy cars? Big house? Big TV? Dude, I don't care about any of that stuff. A small apartment is fine for me wherever I live. Car? Not a huge deal at all. This means that I don't need to reach such a high point to mean I've fulfilled my goals. I'll still aim high, but can stop at the trees; not the stars.
I just thought I'd update some of you who don't know that I left Japan. I love Japan. I miss Japan. I mostly miss the girls and the cool friends I've made there. I still enjoy talking about girls and advising anyone who has any questions. All I've learned in my years in Japan really shouldn't go to waste. I'm sorry I only have a small blog, but what I've posted here, I feel is significant.
See you on a vacation someday, somewhere soon!
What didn't I accomplish that I wanted to? Well, I did want to spend a little money and go to the hostess bars and brothels and see if paying for women is as much fun as hunting, dating, and seducing. I wanted to be able to get two tan blond gyaru per month, and I wasn't able to do that. There aren't that many tan blond gyaru around to begin with, and they rarely talk to a foreigner if approached, so I don't see this as a huge failure, rather, I see it as a challenge I'd like to someday overcome, even if for a short time.
Combining topics from the last paragraph, you'd see how money to afford hostess bars where the hottest girls sometimes are would allow me to meet several of these girls per month. That's a bonus money would give me. Another bonus is that I wouldn't have to work as much, meaning I would have more time to go out and maybe more time to meet girls. During the end of my time in Japan I would rarely hunt, I'd just see girls during a commute somewhere and chat them up. Worked just as well, and even more efficient than devoting time to nampa. More time would mean I could again dedicate time specifically to hunting as well.
That isn't the main reason I moved home, I came to pursue my own financial goals, but the above is a byproduct of success, and a motivator when I regret being in the US when I could be in Japan dating hot girls. Travel and free time are actually the biggest motivators. I want to go to several countries, rent cottages in the woods, and relax with a good buddy or lady friend. Fancy cars? Big house? Big TV? Dude, I don't care about any of that stuff. A small apartment is fine for me wherever I live. Car? Not a huge deal at all. This means that I don't need to reach such a high point to mean I've fulfilled my goals. I'll still aim high, but can stop at the trees; not the stars.
I just thought I'd update some of you who don't know that I left Japan. I love Japan. I miss Japan. I mostly miss the girls and the cool friends I've made there. I still enjoy talking about girls and advising anyone who has any questions. All I've learned in my years in Japan really shouldn't go to waste. I'm sorry I only have a small blog, but what I've posted here, I feel is significant.
See you on a vacation someday, somewhere soon!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Wait 6-8 Months Before Trusting a Girl
I was talking to friend the other day, and talking about the same thing today with this American chick who got a new BF and (insert boring story here). I thought about all my past relationships with Japanese girls. When I first went to Japan I pretty much trusted anyone who seemed sincere. Then I started to realize that Japanese girls will bang you once, twice, or date you up to 3-4 months then just ditch you. This happened to me once and I was really upset, so from there I've carried a heart of stone so that no one can hurt me. I'm so bad now that when my GF of two years nearly broke up with me for something I did I simply told her, "Okay, good luck."
I've had a lot of girlfriends. Yes, they overlapped, but they were serious, and the start of the short ones was no different from the start of the long ones. I didn't go back to check exact dates, but up to around 4 months I've had girls just disappear, some with no goodbye mail or anything. Some were virgins, some were older, some were hot, some were average. One thing holds true: the older, the more educated, the more "non-ADD" (as my friend would say) a girl is, the more likely she is to send you an explaination/goodbye mail. The younger, the more A-class a girl is, the less likely you are to get an explanation. The closer you are--you've met the parents, for example--the more likely you are to get a mail even if she's totally ADD hot blond hostess A-class 19 year old.
And then there are those ten or so relationships I had that lasted 6 months or more. Would you believe I still talk to all of them today? And, the eventual breakup was something I could have prevented, had I not wanted to breakup, which I did. I could have probably married most of these girls, had I not been evil and replace them with better ones.
So, I guess this is a message to guys who fall in love with a Japanese girl: don't trust her until you've been with her at least 6 months. If you don't change anything in that time, she'll probably stay with you at least a year. If a girl goes through some change--as they often do--it's likely you'll see one of those changes within 6 months and if she stays with you that long she'll stay with you longer. If it hasn't been 6 months, don't give her your heart!
That's about all I have to say here, so since you're paying for this (you are paying me, right?), I'll tell a little story. This story doesn't include any girls who just stopped mailing me after a couple months, but Lord knows I have handfuls of those stories to tell too.
It was October and I picked up my average of a few girls a week or so, something like that. Here are the girls in the story:
It just so happened that I set up the first dates with all three of these girls in a 2 day period. So, I met a) for drinks, banged her, sent her home then headed over to c)'s house when she finished work. The next day I dated b) and banged her too. I don't remember the order but it was something like that.
So, these girls are not the "disappear" type. They mailed even after we "broke up." The time period was the same, and two ended within four months, one stayed a year. When I left Japan I had four GFs. Three I had just met in the couple months before I left. Results: one stopped mailing a few weeks after I came to the US, one who I was really serious with answered my calls for two more months then started ignoring me, one broke up in person as I returned to Japan, one stayed with me.
In short, you can't really tell, so wait your 6 months then you'll know for sure!
UPDATE: I wrote the following to a friend who'd recently got a girlfriend, and the topic is so similar that I thought I'd post it here:
There's nothing wrong with having a single GF and not cheating on her. That's what most guys do. One of the things PUAs in Japan have in common though, is that we (collectively) don't have GFs because we shag many girls. You always told me that you don't want a GF though; whereas most guys say they do. You changed, which is okay. Some guys change in the opposite direction when they find the PU community. This is okay too. I've usually had a GF plus other girls. But one GF kept me from cheating for a time. I even told all other girls I had a GF, so when that one girl dumped me I had no one. That'll never happen to me again though.
And that's why I'm writing this. I don't have too much of an opinion about morals of banging several girls or cheating on someone (because I myself don't feel it's bad). Sure, I might call guys with a GF gay, but that means nothing as most guys are one-girl guys. But, I just don't want anything to happen to you--or any guy on here--that makes you feel sad, hurt, or that you've wasted your time. I won't waste a girl's time either: if I date her a year and don't want to marry her I'll let her know that. If I don't want a LTR I'll tell her early-on. I hate seeing people do shit that hurts others. Sooo, I just want to say that you shouldn't dedicate yourself 100% to her just yet. So, maybe you don't want to cheat, which is fine, but don't send an email to all your regulars saying, "I got a GF." That'd be like burning your bridges. I know not all girls are like my ex-GF who dumped me, but I know that I've had it happen a good 10 times, even after 1-2 months. Your girl is probably more mature about suddenly flaking and is probably serious enough to only get into a relationship that she wants to be in. She likes you because you're a great guy and she's had time to see and evaluate that; she's not just with you for a quick fling.
Anyway, I'm happy for you and if you're happy I'm even happier. Most of what I was trying to say is in my Wait 6 Months Post, which I know you read, which basically says that although you may have dragged and dropped your copy of The Game into the Recycle Bin, you shouldn't empty the bin just yet.
I've had a lot of girlfriends. Yes, they overlapped, but they were serious, and the start of the short ones was no different from the start of the long ones. I didn't go back to check exact dates, but up to around 4 months I've had girls just disappear, some with no goodbye mail or anything. Some were virgins, some were older, some were hot, some were average. One thing holds true: the older, the more educated, the more "non-ADD" (as my friend would say) a girl is, the more likely she is to send you an explaination/goodbye mail. The younger, the more A-class a girl is, the less likely you are to get an explanation. The closer you are--you've met the parents, for example--the more likely you are to get a mail even if she's totally ADD hot blond hostess A-class 19 year old.
And then there are those ten or so relationships I had that lasted 6 months or more. Would you believe I still talk to all of them today? And, the eventual breakup was something I could have prevented, had I not wanted to breakup, which I did. I could have probably married most of these girls, had I not been evil and replace them with better ones.
So, I guess this is a message to guys who fall in love with a Japanese girl: don't trust her until you've been with her at least 6 months. If you don't change anything in that time, she'll probably stay with you at least a year. If a girl goes through some change--as they often do--it's likely you'll see one of those changes within 6 months and if she stays with you that long she'll stay with you longer. If it hasn't been 6 months, don't give her your heart!
* * *
That's about all I have to say here, so since you're paying for this (you are paying me, right?), I'll tell a little story. This story doesn't include any girls who just stopped mailing me after a couple months, but Lord knows I have handfuls of those stories to tell too.
It was October and I picked up my average of a few girls a week or so, something like that. Here are the girls in the story:
- a) 19 year old tan blond gyaru virgin. Very hot. Met her at the convenience store.
- b) 23 year old extremely tiny, bitchy, smart, and a lot of fun. Met her in 100 shop.
- c) 28 year old hostess. Met her at hostess bar.
It just so happened that I set up the first dates with all three of these girls in a 2 day period. So, I met a) for drinks, banged her, sent her home then headed over to c)'s house when she finished work. The next day I dated b) and banged her too. I don't remember the order but it was something like that.
- a) She stayed with me dating me about once a week. She said she wouldn't have sex with someone she didn't like so we were together a year after that and now we're still in contact
- b) She had a BF when I nailed her and she broke up with him the next day. She was looking to get rid of him but had no alternatives. We had loads of fun together. I really liked this girl. But, she just decided to send me a mail 4 months later saying she wanted to get back with the old BF. That lasted a while, then she dumped him, then she met and banged me every three months or so, now she has a new BF.
- c) She realized our relationship of 3 months was going no where since we only met at 2 am and did pretty much nothing but video games, sex, and movies. You can't do much at 2 am but that was her excuse. She'll always reply if I mail. She has some customer BFs now. She says she'll see me if I have time. Maybe I'll see her next time I'm in Japan.
So, these girls are not the "disappear" type. They mailed even after we "broke up." The time period was the same, and two ended within four months, one stayed a year. When I left Japan I had four GFs. Three I had just met in the couple months before I left. Results: one stopped mailing a few weeks after I came to the US, one who I was really serious with answered my calls for two more months then started ignoring me, one broke up in person as I returned to Japan, one stayed with me.
In short, you can't really tell, so wait your 6 months then you'll know for sure!
* * *
UPDATE: I wrote the following to a friend who'd recently got a girlfriend, and the topic is so similar that I thought I'd post it here:
There's nothing wrong with having a single GF and not cheating on her. That's what most guys do. One of the things PUAs in Japan have in common though, is that we (collectively) don't have GFs because we shag many girls. You always told me that you don't want a GF though; whereas most guys say they do. You changed, which is okay. Some guys change in the opposite direction when they find the PU community. This is okay too. I've usually had a GF plus other girls. But one GF kept me from cheating for a time. I even told all other girls I had a GF, so when that one girl dumped me I had no one. That'll never happen to me again though.
And that's why I'm writing this. I don't have too much of an opinion about morals of banging several girls or cheating on someone (because I myself don't feel it's bad). Sure, I might call guys with a GF gay, but that means nothing as most guys are one-girl guys. But, I just don't want anything to happen to you--or any guy on here--that makes you feel sad, hurt, or that you've wasted your time. I won't waste a girl's time either: if I date her a year and don't want to marry her I'll let her know that. If I don't want a LTR I'll tell her early-on. I hate seeing people do shit that hurts others. Sooo, I just want to say that you shouldn't dedicate yourself 100% to her just yet. So, maybe you don't want to cheat, which is fine, but don't send an email to all your regulars saying, "I got a GF." That'd be like burning your bridges. I know not all girls are like my ex-GF who dumped me, but I know that I've had it happen a good 10 times, even after 1-2 months. Your girl is probably more mature about suddenly flaking and is probably serious enough to only get into a relationship that she wants to be in. She likes you because you're a great guy and she's had time to see and evaluate that; she's not just with you for a quick fling.
Anyway, I'm happy for you and if you're happy I'm even happier. Most of what I was trying to say is in my Wait 6 Months Post, which I know you read, which basically says that although you may have dragged and dropped your copy of The Game into the Recycle Bin, you shouldn't empty the bin just yet.
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'08 beach action!

Sex on the beach and we're not talking cocktails! I really liked this girl. Hope to see her again!